SIQS : Results

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Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16

26th May 2015

Topological chiral phases are ubiquitous in the physics of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect. Non-chiral topological spin liquids are also well known. Here, using the framework of projected entangled pair states (PEPS), we construct a family of chiral spin liquids on the square lattice which are generalized spin-1/2 Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) states obtained from deformed local tensors with d+id symmetry.

26th May 2015

A scheme to utilize atom-like emitters coupled to nanophotonic waveguides is proposed for the generation of many-body entangled states and for the reversible mapping of these states of matter to photonic states of an optical pulse in the waveguide.

26th May 2015

We demonstrate the suitability of tensor network techniques for describing the thermal evolution of lattice gauge theories. As a benchmark case, we have studied the temperature dependence of the chiral condensate in the Schwinger model, using matrix product operators to approximate the thermal equilibrium states for finite system sizes with non-zero lattice spacings.

26th May 2015

We propose infinite Matrix Product States (MPS) constructed from conformal field theories for describing 1D critical systems with open boundaries. To illustrate this, we consider a simple infinite MPS for a spin-1/2 chain and derive an inhomogeneous open Haldane-Shastry model. For the spin-1/2 open Haldane-Shastry model, we derive an exact expression for the two-point spin correlation function.

26th May 2015

Photon correlations are a cornerstone of quantum optics. Recent works [E.

26th May 2015

Can high energy physics can be simulated by low-energy, nonrelativistic, many-body systems, such as ultracold atoms?

26th May 2015

This work presents a precise connection between Clifford circuits, Shor's factoring algorithm and several other famous quantum algorithms with exponential quantum speed-ups for solving Abelian hidden subgroup problems. We show that all these different forms of quantum computation belong to a common new restricted model of quantum operations that we call \emph{black-box normalizer circuits}.

26th May 2015

Normalizer circuits [1,2] are generalized Clifford circuits that act on arbitrary finite-dimensional systems Hd1⊗...⊗Hdn with a standard basis labeled by the elements of a finite Abelian group G=Zd1×...×Zdn. Normalizer gates implement operations associated with the group G and can be of three types: quantum Fourier transforms, group automorphism gates and quadratic phase gates.

26th May 2015

We derive experimentally measurable lower bounds for the two-site entanglement of the spin-degrees of freedom of many-body systems with local particle-number fluctuations. Our method aims at enabling the spatially resolved detection of spin-entanglement in Hubbard systems using high-resolution imaging in optical lattices.

26th May 2015

Macroscopic realism, the classical world view that macroscopic objects exist independently of and are not influenced by measurements, is usually tested using Leggett-Garg inequalities. Recently, another necessary condition called no-signaling in time (NSIT) has been proposed as a witness for non-classical behavior.

26th May 2015

We develop a method of constructing excited states in one dimensional spin chains which are derived from the $SU(2)_1$ Wess-Zumino-Witten Conformal Field Theory (CFT) using a parent Hamiltonian approach. The resulting systems are equivalent to the Haldane-Shastry model.

26th May 2015

An understanding of the possible ways in which interactions can produce fundamentally new emergent many-body states is a central problem of condensed matter physics. We ask if a Fermi sea can arise in a system of bosons subject to contact interaction.

26th May 2015

We present our recent results for the tensor network (TN) approach to lattice gauge theories. TN methods provide an efficient approximation for quantum many-body states. We employ TN for one dimensional systems, Matrix Product States, to investigate the 1-flavour Schwinger model. In this study, we compute the chiral condensate at finite temperature.

26th May 2015

We analyze the error of approximating Gibbs states of local quantum spin Hamiltonians on lattices with Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) as a function of the bond dimension (D), temperature (&#946;&#8722;1), and system size (N). First, we introduce a compression method in which the bond dimension scales as D=eO(log2(N/&#1013;)) if &#946;<O(log(N)).

26th May 2015

We perform a systematic investigation on the hexagon-singlet solid (HSS) states, which are a class of spin liquid candidates for the spin-1 kagome antiferromagnet. With the Schwinger boson representation, we show that all HSS states have exponentially decaying correlations and can be interpreted as a (special) subset of the resonating Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) loop states.

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