MICROTRAP - Development of pan-European micro-trap technology capability for trapped ion quantum information science ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
QICS - Foundational Structures of Quantum Information and Computation ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
EQUIND - Engineered Quantum Information in Nanostructured Diamond ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
ESQUIRE - Experimental realisation of quantum gates and development of scalable of quantum computer schemes in rare-earth-ion-doped inorganic crystals ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
MAGQIP - Magnetic Systems as Candidates for Quantum Computing Hardware ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
NSP-SI - Electrical Detection of nuclear spin polaritazion in Si/SiGe heterostructures as the first step to the Nuclear Spin Quantum Computer ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::
QIPDDF-ROSES - A study for the construction of a Quantum Information Processing Device using Dopeed Fullerenes and with the ReadOut of Single Electron Spin ::Project fact sheet:: - ::Project website::