SIQS Overview

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SIQS overarching goal is to use strong quantum correlations in order to develop systems, involving large-scale entanglement, that outperform classical systems in a series of relevant applications.

The best way to move towards the above goal and to make it reachable on the medium term is to use or to design systems based on direct and deterministic interactions between individual quantum entities


Objective A addresses the technological basis of quantum information, in terms of physical systems that are amenable to the level of control required for demanding quantum applications. Therefore, it will explore a wide range of experimental platforms serving as enabling technologies:

  • from cold collisions or Rydberg blockade in neutral atoms to electrostatic or spin interactions in charged systems like trapped ions and quantum dots;
  • from photon-phonon interactions in nano-mechanics to photon-photon interactions in cavity QED and to spin-photon interactions in diamond color centers.


Objective B represents really the core focus of our project. We aim at producing the first known instances of quantum applications that go measurably beyond classically attainable performance in the simulation of complex systems, in the security and efficiency of data communication, and in the precision and sensitivity of physical measurements.

The aim is to:

  • build experimentally working implementations of quantum simulators and quantum interfaces;
  • conceive and realize applications that utilize such devices for simulating important problems in other fields of physics, as well as for carrying out protocols that outperform classical communication and measurement systems.


To support the achievement of these core objectives, theoretical and experimental activities will need as well to be strongly integrated with each other at every stage of this process. They will converge in a certification and validation step, collecting evidence for the reliable performance of each of the developed quantum technologies and assessing it against that of their best available classical counterparts.

Structure and Interaction of the Integrating Project SIQS


SIQS Managment Structure