Joint Collaborative Tasks

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One the main means to further improve the IP results is to develop synergies with other IP and STREPS in the Quantum information field. Often, those synergies are manifested through conference, seminar and workshops, which also offer great opportunity for improving the dissemination and the visibility of the project and its results. Being aware of these points, the SIQS consortium has devoted a part of its funds to the organizations of such events.

What are they?
The JCT funds are expressively thought for financing workshops, seminars and conference around topic closely related to the SIQS objectives.
They are employed as a mean for more visibility for the project and for exploring eventual synergies.

Who can apply?
These funds are expressively thought to be used for conference workshop and seminars in which a SIQS partner is involved as organizer.

Decisional Process

The decision will be taken at management office level and will take into consideration the following aspects:

  • Relevancy of the topic in relation with the SIQS project;
  • Available funds for the specific project year.

In case of a positive feedback the applicant will be asked to provide the following documents:

  • A full description of the event (booklet, programme, etc.) and the list of participants
  • The VAT number of the organizer's institution (to which the money transfer will be sent) or a declaration that they are not accountable for VAT.
  • A document with the organizer institution's letterhead showing the sources of funding of the event vs a breakdown of the costs - with a > difference of 0 (a template will be provided)

The applicant must also place the SIQS logo on the webpage of the event.

NB: it is compulsory for the organizer also to provide the management office with the FINAL documentations (actual budget, actual programme) AFTER the end of the event.

How can I place my request?
In order to access the JCT funds, you need to fill out the form right below here.

The feedback (positive or negative) will be given within 10 to 15 working days at the mail address indicated in the form.