SIQS : Results

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Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16

10th May 2016

Under ideal conditions, quantum metrology promises a precision gain over classical techniques scaling quadratically with the number of probe particles. At the same time, no-go results have shown that generic, uncorrelated noise limits the quantum advantage to a constant factor.

10th May 2016

We propose a scheme for translating metrological precision bounds into lower bounds on query complexity of quantum search algorithms. Within the scheme the link between quadratic performance enhancement in idealized quantum metrological and quantum computing schemes becomes clear.

10th May 2016

We study the operation of linear optics schemes for entanglement distribution based on nonlocal photon subtraction when input states, produced by imperfect single-photon sources, exhibit both vacuum and multiphoton contributions. Two models for realistic photon statistics with radically different properties of the multiphoton “tail” are considered. The first model assumes occasional emission of double photons and linear attenuation, while the second one is motivated by heralded sources utilizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion.

10th May 2016

We analyze the performance of on-off keying (OOK) and its restricted version pulse position modulation (PPM) over a lossy narrowband optical channel under the constraint of a low average photon number, when direct detection is used at the output. An analytical approximation for the maximum PPM transmission rate is derived, quantifying the effects of photon statistics on the communication efficiency in terms of the g(2) second-order intensity correlation function of the light source. Enhancement attainable through the use of sub-Poissonian light is discussed.

10th May 2016

We show that quantification of the performance of quantum-enhanced measurement schemes based on the concept of quantum Fisher information (QFI) yields results that are asymptotically equivalent to those from the rigorous Bayesian approach, provided generic uncorrelated noise is present in the setup.

10th May 2016

We analyze the performance of a generalized Kitaev’s phase-estimation algorithm where N phase gates, acting on M qubits prepared in a product state, may be distributed in an arbitrary way. Unlike the standard algorithm, where the mean square error scales as 1/N, the optimal generalizations offer the Heisenberg 1/N2 error scaling and we show that they are in fact very close to the fundamental Bayesian estimation bound.

10th May 2016

We analyze the role of entanglement among probes and with external ancillas in quantum metrology. In the absence of noise, it is known that unentangled sequential strategies can achieve the same Heisenberg scaling of entangled strategies and that external ancillas are useless.

10th May 2016

We advocate a Bayesian approach to optimal quantum frequency estimation—an important issue for future quantum enhanced atomic clock operation. The approach provides a clear insight into the interplay between decoherence and the extent of prior knowledge in determining the optimal interrogation times and optimal estimation strategies.

4th Mar 2016

Quantized integrable systems can be made to perform universal quantum computation by the application of a global time-varying control. The action-angle variables of the integrable system function as qubits or qudits, which can be coupled selectively by the global control to induce universal quantum logic gates. By contrast, chaotic quantum systems, even if controllable, do not generically allow quantum computation under global control.

4th Mar 2016

The Kibble-Zurek (KZ) hypothesis identifies the relevant time scales in out-of-equilibrium dynamics of critical systems employing concepts valid at equilibrium: It predicts the scaling of the defect formation immediately after quenches across classical and quantum phase transitions as a function of the quench speed. Here we study the crossover between the scaling dictated by a slow quench, which is ruled by the critical properties of the quantum phase transition, and the excitations due to a faster quench, where the dynamics is often well described by the classical model.

4th Mar 2016

We extend the concept of superadiabatic dynamics, or transitionless quantum driving, to quantum open systems whose evolution is governed by a master equation in the Lindblad form. We provide the general framework needed to determine the control strategy required to achieve superadiabaticity. We apply our formalism to two examples consisting of a two-level system coupled to environments with time-dependent bath operators.

4th Mar 2016

We show that gauge invariant quantum link models, Abelian and non-Abelian, can be exactly described in terms of tensor networks states. Quantum link models represent an ideal bridge between high-energy and cold atom physics, as they can be used in cold atoms in optical lattices to study lattice gauge theories.

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