QUROPE Collection of Databases

The Coordination Action QUTE-EUROPE maintains and updates a list of databases with material that is relevant for the Quantum Information community. Check the menu on the left for the databases currently available or login to add an entry.

Database Overview

Latest News

2018-11-21 17:23

QuantERA has launched its second joint transnational call (Call 2019) for proposals in support of transnational research in the field of quantum technologies (QT) on November 21st, 2018. Research funding organisations from 25 countries take part in the call.

2018-10-24 14:12

In November 2018 the QuantERA Consortium will announce a 2nd Call for Proposals in the field of quantum technologies.

2018-10-22 09:42

Due to security issues, and while waiting for a transition of the qurope.eu website to a new system, the functionality is limited to authenticated users only. Should you need to create a new account or change your password, please write an email to admin [at] qurope [dot] eu.

Upcoming Events

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Oct 2nd, 2024
Universidad de Vigo
2 weeks 5 days from now
Sep 30th, 2024
University of Vigo (Spain)
5 weeks 3 days from now
Jan 6th, 2024
Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic
37 weeks 5 days ago

Selected Research Groups

Physics Department, Ben Gurion University, Be'er Sheva
Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London
QUEST, Leibniz Universität Hannover and PTB, Braunschweig, Hannover / Braunschweig

Selected QIPC Projects

Genuine quantumness in cooperative phenomena
Computing with Mesoscopic Photonic and Atomic States
Engineered Quantum Information in Nanostructured Diamond
COntinuous VAriable Quantum Information with Atoms and Light
Quantum Entanglement in Space Experiments
European Superconducting Quantum Information Processor