The QUTE-EUROPE Coordination Action

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Research in Quantum Information and Communication Technologies (QICT) has since many years gained an important European dimension. The number of research groups active in the field as well as the number of publications testify to the vigorous and scientifically proliferate state of the community and show that QIPC research in Europe is well on par and highly competitive with comparable activities elsewhere in the world.

The Coordination Action (CA) QUTE-EUROPE will continue to advance this European excellence via a structured approach towards the implementation of key topics such as a strategic vision, collaboration and dissemination. It will carry out a set of actions that are specifically targeted at coordination and cooperation within the QICT research community in Europe and beyond, as well as increasing the visibility of the field to the scientific global community, industries and the public at large.

The CA will operate in three coordination work packages that are mapped to three identified key topics: 'Vision', 'Support' and 'Interaction':


  • The key area Vision is concerned with the coordination and development of a common strategic vision in the field of QIPC within the research community.
  • The key area Support will carry out a number of supporting activities that are mainly directed towards dissemination and the spreading of excellence within the community and beyond.
  • Finally, the key area Interaction will foster links within the community of international research groups, and with QIPC stake holders from outside the research community.

The CA will set up a work structure with the ultimate goal of making the research community and its scientific achievements internationally recognised and sustainable. This will guarantee that the expertise and the knowledge gained through the CA activities will be of benefit to the European QIPC research community, the global QIPC community and all involved stake holders in the field.