QUTE-EUROPE Work Package 3: Results

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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17

19th Feb 2015

The 2015 QIPC Young Investigator Award will be presented to an outstanding young researcher in the field of Quantum Information Processing and Communication during the QIPC international conference in Leeds, 13th - 18th September 2015, http://www.qipc2015.leeds.ac.uk/

The award consists of a diploma and a lump sum of 4000€.

22nd Oct 2014


Quantum Simulation and Computation: From fundamentals to applications and implementations


June 21-27, 2015, Hindåsgården, Hindås, Sweden

14th Mar 2014

QUTE-EUROPE SUMMER SCHOOL is focused on training of graduate students in current research topics and challenges of quantum computation and quantum communication technologies. 

The program includes eight series of lectures by leading experts, short presentation of participants on the topics of the lectures.

31st Jan 2014

Quantum envoy is any activity connecting interested third-party audiences with the quantum information research community. Typical examples of quantum envoy are public lectures and exhibitions presenting general aspects of QIPC research and goals.

12th Nov 2013

In accordance with the EU ICT Programme, QUTE-EUROPE is currently inviting outstanding proposals for the bi-annual QIPC conference to be held in 2015.

QUTE-EUROPE (Quantum Technologies for Europe) is an FP7 Coordination and Support Action project that aims at coordinating or supporting research activities and policies at the European level towards a unified, open, and strong community in QIPC (Quantum Information Processing and Communication) research in Europe.

6th Mar 2013

The official web domain for the QUTE-EUROPE project has been registered under http://qute-europe.eu/.

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