Work Package Overview

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The work of the CA willbe  performed within a set of four Work Packages, each of with is mapped to one of
the key areas and objectives defined for the project. Each Work Package will define a specific set of
tasks that will contribute to the ultimate goal of attaining the project objectives.

Work Package 1: Management
This work package ensures the overall administrative coordination of the project. In particular, it will manage all administrative, legal and financial issues, solve conflicts and problems, organize the annual reviews and oversee the reporting duties. It is the responsibility of this work package to act in response to any unforeseen events, e.g. prospective modifications of the work plan, amendments to the contract, conflict resolution, etc., and to work out a corresponding risk management plan.
Work Package 2: Coordination and Collaboration
The main task of work package 2 is to assist in the coordination and development of a common strategic vision in the field of QIPC research. The ultimate goal is to ensure the future sustainability of the field. To achieve this goal, WP2 will engage in a set of activities that focus on forward-look, anticipatory and strategy shaping actions. It will maintain and update the QIPC Strategic Roadmap on a regular basis, contribute to white papers, reports, position papers and policy documents, and coordinate the work of the Virtual Institutes. Finally, this task will be concerned with the coordination of projects that have been selected for funding through the FET Objective QICT. A special emphasis will be laid on encouraging joint activities like joint publications, collaborations, meetings, etc.
Work Package 3: Dissemination
Work package 3 will carry out a number of supporting activities that are mainly directed towards dissemination and the spreading of excellence within the community and beyond. The focus of attention will be on a continuous maintenance and update of the comprehensive web site and associated databases. WP3 will also be responsible for the organization of the bi-annual QIPC conferences, ensuring the coverage of community-building- and extra-scientific topics, including the traditional industry sessions, funding sessions and the Young Investigator Award ceremony. In addition, it will be concerned with developing a comprehensive dissemination plan. This will include in particular the organization of outreach activities, like publications and press releases and the Quantum Envoy activities. Finally, WP3 will be concerned with overlooking any joint collaborative tasks with other FET projects, including for instance joint events and joint publications.
Work Package 4: Exploitation
The aim of this work package is to foster links within the community of international research groups, and with QIPC stakeholders from outside the research community, as well as to coordinate the interaction between all interested parties. A main point of emphasis will be to establish sustained international contacts between the research community in Europe and the communities overseas (USA, Canada, Asia, Australia, and the BRICS countries). Also sustained contacts with representatives from commercial and industrial stakeholders will be an important part of the work.