QUTE-EUROPE Work Package 1: Management

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This work package ensures the administrative coordination of the project. It will:

  • Create the necessary conditions for a successful work and results according to the contract;
  • Manage all administrative and financial issues;
  • Produce a consortium agreement between the partners as required by the contract;
  • Organise the annual project reviews and reports;
  • Act as a mediating authority in case of any problems;
  • Effectuate any amendments to the contract and deal with associated legal issues, if any.


Description of work and role of partners

Task 1.1 Management (FU SAV)
The only task of this work package is to ensure the effective progress of the project as a whole towards its specified goals. It will do so by creating the necessary conditions for a successful delivery. It will take care of all financial and administrative issues and generally monitor and direct the work performed by the members of the project.


List of deliverables

Deliverable Description Month Status
D1.1 Final Activity Report 36


Schedule of relevant Milestones

Milestone Description Month Status
MS4 Final Activity Report 36


WP1 - Deliverables 11.pdf3.74 MB