QUTE-EUROPE Summer School, QESS 2015

2015-06-21 - 2015-06-27
Registration deadline: 
2015-01-16 (All day)
Hindåsgården, Hindås, Sweden


The School is organised under the auspices of the QUTE-EUROPE Coordination Action within QUROPE. The aim is to provide a unifying QIP framework that satisfies the needs of both the solid-state and AMO fields and the participants. We wish to put special emphasis on QS because it has emerged as a driver of short- and mid-term progress in the in QIP field.

Kenneth Brown, Georgia Tech (ion/atom traps)
Leo DiCarlo, TU Delft (circuit QED, exp)
Steve Girvin, Yale (circuit QED)
Elham Kashefi, Edinburgh (Verification of QC, complexity)
Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL (Optomechanics)
Seth Lloyd, MIT (Quantum machine learning)
Peter Love, Haverford College, USA (digital simulation, chemistry)
Hartmut Neven, Google (Google plans, AI)
Klaus Sengstock, Uni Hamburg (spins, simulation)
Barbara Terhal, Aachen (Error correction, Surface code)
Matthias Troyer, ETH Zurich (optimization, quantum annealing)
Andrew White, UQ, Brisbane (photonics)
Joerg Wrachtrup, Stuttgart (NV centers)
Anton Zeilinger, Vienna (Fundamentals of quantum information)

Deadline for application: January 16, 2015

For information about the program, application formalities, venue, etc., please look at the web page.


Hindåsgården Hindås
57° 42' 14.5332" N, 12° 27' 4.6116" E
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