QUIE2T Work Package 3: Results

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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17

27th May 2013

Come along to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, from 5:30pm on Thursday 6th June for an evening of 3 fascinating talks about quantum mechanics – the strangest theory ever to be correct!

28th Jan 2013

A slide show of the (QUIE2T sponsored) ICAP round table is now available on-line, follow the link below.

20th Jan 2013

The reports are available for public download at the WP3 deliverables page.

4th Dec 2012

The QubitLab now has a separate page on Facebook. Like it!

25th Oct 2012

The talk was delivered by Prof. J. Taylor (UMD/NIST) on the topic: Exploring new frontiers of quantum science with hybrid systems.

4th Jul 2012

The round table is organized during the ICAP 2012 conference, and is one of the highlights of several special events. This public event is sponsored by the 'Quantum Envoy' program of the Coordination Action QUIE2T.

13th Sep 2011

A dedicated channel on youtube to collect popular video clips on key scientific ideas explored within QIPC. This is sponsored by projects funded by FP6 and FP7 programs of the European Commission.

Visit TheQubitLab.

10th May 2011

QUIE2T was represented with an exhibit at the Commission’s fet11 conference taking place from 4 to 6 of May in Budapest. As part of the activities the attached project flyer that served as a press release was distributed at the conference.

10th May 2011

QUIE2T was represented at the Commission’s fet11 conference taking place from 4 to 6 of May in Budapest. An exhibit proposal that was submitted in response to a European Commissions call has been successfully evaluated and was among the 28 exhibition stands present at the conference. According to the commission, “fet11 is a unique conference on visionary, high-risk and long-term research in information science and technology.

30th Sep 2010

As part of the WP3 activities QUIE2T presented an exhibit at the ICT 2010 conference in Brussels, 27 – 29 September 2010. The event was very well-attended both by specialists and non-specialists including well-known media people.

26th Jul 2010

More details at the calls page.

2nd Feb 2010

The qurope.eu web site will provide everything of relevance for the QIPC community, from latest news, information material, specialized databases to a hosting framework for QIPC related projects. The top domain of the web portal is www.qurope.eu, watch out for the additions and updates of the several sub-domains.

This web portal is maintained by Work Package 3 of the FP7 Coordination Action project QUIE2T.

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