2013 QIPC Young Investigator Award


The 2013 QUROPE - QIPC Young Investigator Award has been awarded jointly to Dr. Fernando Brandao and Dr. Patrick Joachim Windpassinger.

We are happy to announce that, by decision of the QUIE2T Advisory Board of Experts and upon approval by the QUIE2T Coordination Steering committee, the

2013 European Quantum Information Young Investigator Award

has been awarded jointly to


Dr. Fernando Brandao

For his highly appraised achievements in entanglement theory, quantum complexity theory, and quantum many-body physics, which combine dazzling mathematical ability and impressive physical insight;


and to


Dr. Patrick Joachim Windpassinger

For his broad experimental work in the field of quantum information processing, and especially for his recent achievements in the context of magnetism and synthetic gauge fields, which stand at the forefront of exciting developments in quantum simulation with cold atoms in optical lattices.


The Award, consisting of a diploma and 4000€ will be presented at the QIPC conference in Florence, June 30 - July 5, 2013.

On behalf of the QUIE2T Coordination Steering Committee, we extend our congratulations and best wishes!