About QUIE2T

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Project details

BUZEK, Vladimir
Tel: +421-2-20910702
Fax: +421-2-54773463
Email: Use the Contact form.

Website: http://quie2t.eu
Fact sheet: Available on CORDIS
Project description

The CA QUIE2T aims at strengthening and advancing the European scientific and technological excellence in the field of Quantum Information Foundations and Technologies (QIFT). To achieve this objective, QUIE2T will maintain and expand a set of high-quality coordination measures specifically designed for the QIPC research area.

To this purpose the QUIE2T initiative is committed to setting up an ultimately sustainable research architecture and to promoting it at the European level. This architecture will be structured around a set of four Virtual Institutes (VIs), mapped to the major QIPC sub-domains as identified by the scientific and technological roadmap 'Quantum Information Processing and Communication: Strategic report on current status, visions and goals for research in Europe' prepared by the QUIE2T predecessor QUROPE. Integration of the VIs is achieved by the execution of the QUIE2T Work-Packages' activities which cut across all the VIs, and in particular by the elaboration of a common vision for the future of the whole QIFT field (and which will be reflected by the update of the aforementioned Strategic Report). In addition QUIE2T will have a proactive role in taking the first steps to ensure the future sustainability of the field.

To guarantee that the expertise and the knowledge gained through the CA activities will be of benefit to the European QIFT community (both academic and industrial), QUIE2T will organize a set of activities to spread its results, achievements and excellence. In particular a public web site is one of the essential communication mechanisms towards the international QIPC community to present the CA and its Virtual Institutes. A set of QUIE2T publications will be accessible via this web site. The CA will also organize a set of thematic conferences on a bi-annual basis, targeting especially young researchers. Finally, a dedicated activity will target mainly industries in the field to ensure a strong interaction and involvement.