QUIE2T exhibit at ICT 2010


QUIE2T was present at the ICT 2010 conference in Brussels.

As part of the WP3 activities QUIE2T presented an exhibit at the ICT 2010 conference in Brussels, 27 – 29 September 2010. The event was very well-attended both by specialists and non-specialists including well-known media people. The QUIE2T exhibit presented some exciting ideas and innovations at the forefront of QIPC research to demonstrate that European researchers are aiming to capitalise on recent developments in small-scale applications involving a few quantum particles. Visitors were able to discover what the term ‘quantum’ actually means, and its implications for ICT.

As an example of a first commercial application of QIPC, a true random number generator for applications such as information security, gaming, lotteries, and scientific research, was demonstrated through a ‘quantum roulette’ game, in which visitors had the chance to win small prizes. As QUIE2T representatives, K. Pruvost and D. Binosi were present at the exhibition.