Highlights for QUIE2T

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Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16

Jan 17, 2017

The current version of the full document is available here.
Old versions of the Roadmap are archived here.

Jul 11, 2013

In addition to the scientific program, the 2013 QIPC conference comprised sessions that were of interest beyond the scientific community, and that continued the tradition of similar activities at earlier QIPC conferences. Adjusted to the vocation of QUIE2T, these activities included an ‚Industry Session‘, an ‚EU funding session‘ and the ceremony for the ‚QIPC Young Investigator Award‘.

May 27, 2013

Come along to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, from 5:30pm on Thursday 6th June for an evening of 3 fascinating talks about quantum mechanics – the strangest theory ever to be correct!

May 13, 2013

We are happy to announce that, by decision of the QUIE2T Advisory Board of Experts and upon approval by the QUIE2T Coordination Steering committee, the

2013 European Quantum Information Young Investigator Award

has been awarded jointly to


Feb 20, 2013

As its last last deliverable, QUIE2T WP2 has submitted the final updates of the QIPC Strategic Report (v. 1.8) and the Quantum Information Classification scheme QICS (v. 1.3). A detailed report on the update is available from the WP2 deliverables page (deliverable D2.2.2).

Jan 28, 2013

A slide show of the (QUIE2T sponsored) ICAP round table is now available on-line, follow the link below.

Dec 4, 2012

The QubitLab now has a separate page on Facebook. Like it!

Oct 25, 2012

The talk was delivered by Prof. J. Taylor (UMD/NIST) on the topic: Exploring new frontiers of quantum science with hybrid systems.

Oct 8, 2012

Following QIPC2009 in Rome and QIPC2011 in Zurich we have the pleasure to announce another edition of the QUANTUM INFORMATION PROCESSING AND COMMUNICATION CONFERENCE – QIPC2013.

Oct 7, 2012

The reports are available for public download at the WP2 deliverables page. They contain a detailed description of the features that are integrated in the qurope.eu web site, that allow a classification and analysis of the database material that is relevant to QIPC.

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