Call for Application to support a Quantum Envoy

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One of the tasks of the QUIE2T Coordination Action Program is the organization of a 'traveling professor' or 'Quantum Envoy':

T3.5 Traveling professor 'Quantum Envoy'
This task is concerned with a rather concrete kind of dissemination activity. The idea is to organize and support a traveling professor, i.e. a prominent scientist who, during a limited period of time, travels to various locations throughout Europe, and presents general aspects of QIPC in public lectures or presentations. The targeted audience for these lectures is the general public and interested newcomers, e.g. university and high school students. A special attention will be given at the destinations of this Quantum Envoy. On the one hand on should target prominent locations so as to ensure a maximum target audience, on the other hand destinations should also be uniformly distributed across Europe without any bias towards any particular region.

In practice it is planned to organize a lecture tour of about one week for one prominent scientist for each year of the project duration, to visit about 3-4 locations per tour. Travel costs and logistic support will be provided by QUIE2T, other expenses like lodging etc. are expected to be taken over by local organizations. The budget for the Quantum Envoy activities will rest with the coordinator, so the payments can be forwarded directly to the Envoy without administrative overhead.


Applications are accepted permanently to apply for support of a Quantum Envoy


We invite applications from both prospective Quantum Envoys, as well as organizations who wish to host a related event. Informal application letters should be sent by e-mail to the QUIE2T e-mail address: quie2t [at] qurope [dot] eu or be submitted via the webform below. Applications should contain:

  • a detailed description of the event (time, place, topic, target audience, expected impact and visibility,...)
  • a detailed financial plan (how much support from QUIE2T, how is the rest covered?...)

An eligible event should fulfill the following criteria:

  • it should be targeted at a general public, i.e. a non-specialized audience
  • it should be related to the dissemination of the field of Quantum Information
  • it should have a high level of visibility, e.g. in local media

Application to support a Quantum Envoy

Indicate time, place, topic, target audience, expected impact and visibility, and any other information that may be relevant.