News for QUIE2T

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2011-02-03 16:46

The web site for the QIPC 2011 conference in Zuerich is now available.

The web site of the international conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication (QIPC) 2011 to be held at ETH Zurich from September 5 - 9, 2011 is open now. On the web site you find information on the program, a list of invited speakers, a list of local and program committee members, information on accommodation and the venue of the conference and much more.

(Lukas Theussl, 2011-02-03 16:46)
2010-11-25 11:09

The first QUIE2T review will take place on Tuesday, 3rd of May 2011 in Bratislava.

Details will follow but we will try to schedule the review meeting such that we can travel on the evening of the same day to Budapest, as FET 11 will start on the next day 9am with the keynote speech

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-11-25 11:09)
2010-10-29 15:36

QUIE2T was represented by Carmen Zeques at the FET Coordination Action Workshop, 26-27 October 2010 in Brussels.

The presentation can be downloaded from the workshop web site.

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-10-29 15:36)
2010-10-27 10:25

The 2011 QIPC conference will take place Sep 5 - 9, 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.

We are pleased to announce that, by decision of the QUIE2T Coordination Steering Committee, following a recommendation of the QUIE2T External Advisory Board of Experts, the next international QIPC conference initiated by the Coordination Action QUIE2T will take place in Zurich, Switzerland, from Monday, Sept. 5 to Friday, Sept. 9, 2011.

More information will follow as soon as a web site for the conference is available.

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-10-27 10:25)
2010-09-30 14:54

QUIE2T was present at the ICT 2010 conference in Brussels.

As part of the WP3 activities QUIE2T presented an exhibit at the ICT 2010 conference in Brussels, 27 – 29 September 2010. The event was very well-attended both by specialists and non-specialists including well-known media people. The QUIE2T exhibit presented some exciting ideas and innovations at the forefront of QIPC research to demonstrate that European researchers are aiming to capitalise on recent developments in small-scale applications involving a few quantum particles. Visitors were able to discover what the term ‘quantum’ actually means, and its implications for ICT.

As an example of a first commercial application of QIPC, a true random number generator for applications such as information security, gaming, lotteries, and scientific research, was demonstrated through a ‘quantum roulette’ game, in which visitors had the chance to win small prizes. As QUIE2T representatives, K. Pruvost and D. Binosi were present at the exhibition.

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-09-30 14:54)
2010-07-26 08:40

A call for applications to support a Quantum Envoy has been published.

More details at the calls page.

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-07-26 08:40)
2010-06-29 11:06

A call for proposals to organize the QUIE2T-supported QIPC conference in 2011 has been published.

More details at the calls page.

(Lukas Theussl, 2010-06-29 11:06)
2010-05-10 17:27

Oxford FP6 and FP7 meeting registration open.

Q-Essence project will have its session during the FP6 and FP7 QIP Open Day + FP6 IP Cluster Review that takes place on 6-8 July at Wadham College, Oxford, UK. The registration for the event is now open.

(Q-Essence Coordinator, 2010-05-10 17:27)
2010-05-07 15:35

As one of its central aims, QUIE2T WP2 has established the set of four Virtual Institutes.

The four Virtual Institutes have their homepages under, and will have the content of their sites updated in the course of the project. The instute directors and secretaries are:

  • Quantum Communication: Nicolas Gisin (Geneva) and Rob Thew (Geneva)
  • Quantum Computation: Ignacio Cirac (MPG, Munich) and Michael Wolf (NBI, Copenhagen)
  • Quantum Information Theory: Peter Zoller (Innsbruck) and Antonio Acin (ICFO, Barcelona)
  • Quantum Technologies: Ian Walmsley (Oxford) and Konrad Banaszek (Warsaw)
(Lukas Theussl, 2010-05-07 15:35)
2010-04-29 15:42

The QIPC Strategic Report has been updated to version 1.7.

It can be consulted on the Roadmap page.

(Daniele Binosi, 2010-04-29 15:42)
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