Frequently Asked Questions

A collection of frequently asked questions about this web site. Login to add an entry.

Web Site - Browsing
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You should first browse the Frequently Asked Questions to see if your problem is already covered.

If not, you may submit a FAQ yourself and hope some other user will add the answer.

You can contact the web manager or browse our discussion forum.

You can also try to join us for a live chat on our IRC channel: irc://freenode/qurope. If you don't have an IRC client, try the freenode web interface (enter an arbitrary nickname and #quropeas channel).

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First login, then go to 'My account' -> 'Notifications' -> 'Subscriptions'. To remove a subscription, just click the link 'drop'.

Note that by default, every user gets auto-subscribed to receive notification emails about any update of content within any private group he is a member of.

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In general, the first thing you need is something called a news reader. This is a piece of software that checks the feeds and lets you read any new articles that have been added. There are many different news readers available, you will find long lists by searching the internet (eg. here).

Once you have chosen a news reader, all you have to do is subscribe to our feed by copying the URL of the feed into your news reader (eg. right-click on the RSS image, say 'Copy Link Location', and paste into your news reader).

Some browsers, including Firefox, Opera and Safari, automatically check for feeds for you when you visit a website, and display an icon when they find one. This can make subscribing to feeds much easier. For more details on these, please check their websites.

Web Site - Hosting
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First you will have to register an account on the qurope web site. You should also identify yourself by contacting the webmaster, as you might need additional permissions to edit the site.

Once you are registered and logged in you can start adding/editing content for your site.

For inspiration, you can look at the projects that are already hosted at our site.

Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions, the Discussion Forum, or contact us directly if you have any questions or problems.

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First, we are open to any new suggestions, if you want or need a special feature or service, just ask!

Then, we already have a number of built-in services that new projects can use out of the box. Among them:

  • an intranet, i.e. a private area that is only accessible to project members (see another section of this faq for more details)
  • a discussion forum
  • some standard web pages with basic info about the project, e.g. news, events, highlights, etc. The URLs for these pages is found at standard locations, e.g.
    • /projects/%project%/news
    • /projects/%project%/events
    • /projects/%project%/highlights
    • /projects/%project%/groups
    • /projects/%project%/publications
    • /projects/%project%/media
    • /projects/%project%/%wp%/results

    where %project% is a placeholder for the project name or acronym, %wp% is either wp1, wp2, etc for a specific work package, or 'all' for all work packages, and the path is relative to the site base URL (
    Site editors just have to submit new content types (news, events,...) that will automatically show up on these pages. Note that if you want to add links to these pages from the navigation menu, you have to ask an administrator to do that for you.

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Yes. This is a common request for all projects that we want to host on our site and we even consider this more important than a public website.

To get access to these services, you should contact a web site administrator and ask for a so-called 'organic group' for your project. This is basically a group of registered users that have special permissions on certain parts of the site. Once this is set up, you can authorize other users (if they are registered) to become members of the group.

Any member of your group will then be able to view, upload and edit confidential content that is only accessible within the group. As an additional service, we also provide private forums (one is set up by default), where group members can post and discuss privately.

Web Site - Management (submit, edit pages, etc)
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First, you need to be registered and logged in to add content to the QUROPE site.

Once logged in, there will appear your personal navigation menu block in the right menu, navigate to Site -> Submit. You can add different types of content, e.g. events, job offers, publications, etc.. For static pages, eg pages you want to link from the navigation menu, you should submit a page. For categorized content, eg news stories, highlights, etc, you should add a story.

Note that normal registered users have permission to submit new content and edit their own content only. If you are a web site maintainer for a group or a project, you might ask for additional permissions to edit other people's submissions as well.

For help with the built-in html editor, you may consult the Compose tips.

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A page is some static information that is specific to a certain part of the web site, e.g. a project. A page cannot be classified and searched for by taxonomy attributes.

A story is a short piece of information that is intented to be re-used by different groups, projects, etc. If a story is tagged for instance as a highlight, it will be automatically shown under any project's Highlights section that shares the story.

Apart from that, there are a number of different content types you can submit, e.g. Events, News, Jobs, etc. Those are listed on the Site - Submit page, where a brief description is given for each type.

You should make sure to choose the right content type in order to guarantee that your submission will show up in the right place when searched for. E.g. a Jobs submission will only be listed in the Jobs database, etc. If you are unsure, or cannot find anything appropriate, you will probably want to submit a story.

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Certainly, just go to Site -> Submit -> FAQ. You should even submit a FAQ if you don't know the answer yourself, some other user or admin will probably fill in the gap.

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Only authorized users have the permission to change the navigation menu. If you are responsible for some part of the site, eg for a group's or project's web pages, and want to change the navigation menu, you should contact our web master and ask for the proper permission setup.

Once you have the proper permissions you can add a menu item by submitting (or editing) a page and indicating the correct parent menu under 'Menu settings'. For security reasons, it is currently not possible for normal users to remove a menu item, please contact a web master to do this for you.

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No. Only registered users can submit content to our site. We do not accept anonymous submissions of any kind.

However, once a user is registered, he can add arbitrary content (news, events, stories,..., we want people to participate), but he can only edit and modify his own submissions, ie he cannot modify any content that has been submitted by another user.

Only authorized users may edit any content, also content that has been sumitted by others. Authorized users are designated individually by a site administrator.

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In general, we have two kind of users on our site: registered users and authorized users. They are distinguished by the rights they have to edit content on the site. Every user is a registered user as soon as he registers an account. Authorized users are manually designated by an administrator.

Here is a brief summary of the permissions of different users:

  • everybody (including anonymous, ie not registered, users) may view any public contet
  • registered users may, in addition, submit arbitrary content that is publicly visible; but they may modify their own content only, ie they cannot modify any content that has been submitted by another user.
  • authorized users may, in addition, modify any public content
  • registered group members may, in addition, view any content of, and submit any content into, any private group they are a member of
  • authorized group members may, in addition, modify any private content of any private group they are a member of

The last two points concern private (organic) groups, they are explained in a different section of these FAQs.

Note that we do not have a further fine-grain control about the rights to submit and edit content, every authorized user can edit any content anywhere on our web site (eg an authorized user from the aqute project may edit pages that belong to the qessence project). However, authorized users are hand-picked by us, basically, every sub-site has only one or two moderators, that we trust that they take care of their respective web site only.

Web site - Intranet
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An organic group is a group of registered users that have special permissions on certain parts of the site. Organic groups are created by a site administrator upon request, you should contact us if you want an organic group set up for you.

Organic groups can be public or private:

Public groups are listed on the groups overview page. Content in a public group is visible to anybody and any registered user can apply to join.

Private groups contain confidential content that is only accessible within the group. Only members of a private group are able to view, upload and edit (in case of authorized users) private group content. Note that it is also possible to attach files that will only be visible to group members (e.g. reports, confidential papers, etc.).

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Only group administrators can add members to a group.

Check your group menu on the right sidebar and click on the link that says 'N members' (where N is the current number of members of your group). Click on the link 'Add members'.

NOTE: you need to know the user name of the member you want to add, i.e. the name the user is registered under.


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In case of a public group, any registered user can request membership directly by clicking on the corresponding link on the group overview page.

Membership in private groups is by invitation only, you need to contact an administrator for the group, and send him your user login.

Virtual Institutes
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Memberships in Virtual Institutes are by invitation only. If you think you should be a member and want to contribute your expertise on a certain subject, please contact the Project Coordinator.

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As part of its mission, QUTE-EUROPE is committed to setting up an ultimately sustainable research architecture and to promoting it at the European (as well as international) level. This architecture is structured around a set of five Virtual Institutes (VIs):

Each Virtual Institute unites some prominent experts in the corresponding field, providing a contact point for consultation and feeback in the relevant areas.