QUIE2T Work Package 5: Results

Results of the project.

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Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28
Format: 2024-07-28

23rd Jan 2013

Just about one week before the initial end of the project, we have received the confirmation that the QUIE2T project is extended by 6 months, i.e. the project will run until 31 July 2013. In addition, the University of Florence, Italy has been added as a new partner. Florence will be part of WP4 and in charge of the QIPC 2013 conference organization.

9th Mar 2012

Time: 18.4.2012
Place: NH Hotel Bingen,  Museumstrasse 3, 55411 Bingen

The second QUIE2T review will take place within the traditional QIPC Cluster Review Meeting. Also, as usual, there will be an open day and some social activities. See the website for program and details.

See also the Event page.

20th Jan 2012

The Information Day - FP7-Call-9 took place on 18 Jan 2012 in Brussels and was attended by some ~250 people. The slides of the presentation are available for download from the Info Day Agenda.

25th Nov 2010

Details will follow but we will try to schedule the review meeting such that we can travel on the evening of the same day to Budapest, as FET 11 will start on the next day 9am with the keynote speech

29th Oct 2010

The presentation can be downloaded from the workshop web site.

29th Jun 2010

There will be a 1h meeting of QUIE2T partners on Tue, 6 July from 5pm-6pm. We will discuss some open current issues, in particular the status of the VIs and future activities.  Apart from general points regarding the WPs, special emphasis wil be put to discuss the following topics:

  • Conference organization, Young Investigator Award
  • Virtual Institutes: status and developments
  • FET flagship initiative
  • Quantum Envoy
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