WP5 Deliverables

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Below is an overview of the deliverables and milestones associated with this workpackage.

Submitted deliverables are attached at the bottom of the page.


Deliverable Description Month Status
D5.1.1 Setup of the Coordination Steering Committee 2
D5.1.2 First Year Activity Report 12
D5.1.3 Second Year Activity Report 24
D5.1.4 Final Management Report 42
D5.1.5 Final Activity report and plan for using and dissemination of knowledge 42
D5.1.6 Final report on the distribution of the financial community contribution 42


Milestone no. Description Month Status
6 First Year Activity Report 12
7 Second Year Activity Report 24
8 Final Management Report 42


QUIE2T_D5.1.1_Steering_Committee.pdf127.56 KB
QUIE2T_D5.1.2_1st_Activity_Report.pdf641.36 KB
QUIE2T_D5.1.3_2nd_Activity_Report.pdf579.33 KB
QUIE2T_D5.1.4_Management.pdf100.48 KB
QUIE2T_D5.1.5_Activity.pdf1.04 MB
QUIE2T_D5.1.6_Distribution.pdf140.89 KB