WP4 Deliverables

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Below is an overview of the deliverables and milestones associated with this workpackage.

Submitted deliverables are attached at the bottom of the page.


Deliverable Description Month Status
D4.1.1 Organization of the first QUIE2T International Conference 12
D4.1.2 Organization of the second QUIE2T International Conference 42
D4.2.1 2011 QIPC Young Investigator Award 12
D4.2.2 2013 QIPC Young Investigator Award 42


Milestone no. Description Month Status
4 Organization of the first QUIE2T International Conference 12


QUIE2T_D4.1.1_Conference_Merged.pdf970.12 KB
QUIE2T_D4.1.2_Conference_Florence_final.pdf931.93 KB
QUIE2T_D4.2.1_2011_YIA.pdf147.28 KB
QUIE2T_D4.2.2_YIA.pdf319.97 KB