Highlights for Q-ESSENCE

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Format: 2024-10-11
Format: 2024-10-11
Format: 2024-10-11

Mar 30, 2012

Around the globe several observatories are seeking the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs). These waves are predicted by Einsteins general theory of relativity and are generated, for example, by black-hole binary systems. Present GW detectors are Michelson-type kilometre-scale laser interferometers measuring the distance changes between mirrors suspended in vacuum. The sensitivity of these detectors at frequencies above several hundred hertz is limited by the vacuum (zero-point) fluctuations of the electromagnetic field.

Feb 12, 2012

The EU sponsored research initiative QESSENCE (Quantum Interfaces, Sensors, and Communication based on Entanglement) with a 3-year budget of €4.7 million to explore quantum entanglement, is in its final year. The research outcomes are expected to make significant impact on future disruptive technologies and provide enabling physics for larger scale quantum computers in the longer-term.

Just to name a few, the recent highlights of research within the consortium include:

Oct 13, 2011


Prof. Dan Browne from the University College London in the newest issue of APS Physics writes about the QEssence's researchers latest discovery (prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v107/i12/e120501) that using a quantum computer to simulate another quantum system will work even when the modeled system is not isolated from its environment.

Oct 13, 2011

We show that the time evolution of an open quantum system, described by a possibly time dependent Liouvillian, can be simulated by a unitary quantum circuit of a size scaling polynomially in the simulation time and the size of the system. An immediate consequence is that dissipative quantum computing is no more powerful than the unitary circuit model.

Jun 1, 2011
ID Quantique, a partner in the Q-ESSENCE consortium, is developing a new product – new single photon detection module called id210. The development of this module is possible partly due to Q-ESSENCE support. The first version of id210 was already presented at CLEO - Laser Focus World, and Laser - World of Photonics, winning the CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award 2011 Honorable Mention.
The id210 brings a major breakthrough for single photon detection at telecom wavelengths. Its

Feb 22, 2011

We present a scalable method for the tomography of large multiqubit quantum registers. It acquires information about the permutationally invariant part of the density operator, which is a good approximation to the true state in many relevant cases. Our method gives the best measurement strategy to minimize the experimental effort as well as the uncertainties of the reconstructed density matrix. We apply our method to the experimental tomography of a photonic four-qubit symmetric Dicke state.


Feb 16, 2011

We report experimental generation of a noisy entangled four-photon state that exhibits a separation between the secure key contents and distillable entanglement, a hallmark feature of the recently established quantum theory of private states. The privacy analysis, based on the full tomographic reconstruction of the prepared state, is utilized in a proof-of-principle key generation. The inferiority of distillation-based strategies to extract the key is exposed by an implementation of an entanglement distillation protocol for the produced state.

Feb 14, 2011

Quantum state tomography—deducing quantum states from measured data—is the gold standard for verification and benchmarking of quantum devices. It has been realized in systems with few components, but for larger systems it becomes unfeasible because the number of measurements and the amount of computation required to process them grows exponentially in the system size. Here, we present two tomography schemes that scale much more favourably than direct tomography with system size.

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