A new product by ID Quantique awarded with CLEO Innovation Award

ID Quantique is developing a new single photon detection module called id210, already awarded with CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award 2011 Honorable Mention.
ID Quantique, a partner in the Q-ESSENCE consortium, is developing a new product – new single photon detection module called id210. The development of this module is possible partly due to Q-ESSENCE support. The first version of id210 was already presented at CLEO - Laser Focus World, and Laser - World of Photonics, winning the CLEO/Laser Focus World Innovation Award 2011 Honorable Mention.
The id210 brings a major breakthrough for single photon detection at telecom wavelengths. Its
performance in high-speed gating at internal or external frequencies up to 100MHz by far surpasses the performance of existing detectors and of its predecessor, the id200-id201, that has been used by
researchers around the globe since first launched in 2002. Furthermore, for applications requiring an asynchronous detection scheme, the id210 can operate in free-running mode with detection probability up to 10%.
ID Quantique, a privately held company headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and a spin-off from the University of Geneva, is a global leader shaping the evolution of network security through the development and commercialization of Quantum Key Distribution and high-speed encryption products.
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id210 at Laser – World of Photonics, Munich 2011