SIQS milestones

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The project milestones linking Work-Packages across Sub-Projects are shown below.




M1: Consortium agreement and contract signed by all partners

M7: Comparison of methods and perspectives for strong coupling in solid-state systems and atomic systems.

M13: Feasibility study of  a weak measurement as a tool in quantum enhanced sensing applications

M2: Project Kick-Off meeting

M8: Quantum simulation with neutral particles using novel experimental and theoretical methods.

M14: Simulations of quantum dynamics that are beyond standard numerical capabilities

M3: Project website concept (both public and private areas)

M9: Improved schemes for distribution of quantum resources, such as entanglement, for quantum communication and simulation networks.

M15: Strong coupling of light and electrical signals for sensing applications using mechanical oscillators.

M4: New and improved types of interactions for quantum simulations, efficient quantum communication, and quantum-enhanced sensing.

M10: Application of novel methods to characterize system-environment dynamics to quantum simulators

M16: Final contractual, management, and technical reports and project review

M5: First year contractual, management, and technical reports and project review

M11: Second year contractual, management, and technical reports and project review

M17: Final SIQS executive summary

M6: Applicability of strongly coupled solid-state systems to quantum simulations.

M12: Optical lattice architectures for cold atoms corresponding to hard classical simulation.