Highlights for QUTE-EUROPE

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Format: 2024-07-27
Format: 2024-07-27
Format: 2024-07-27

Mar 22, 2014

V. Giovannetti, S. Lloyd, L. Maccone and J. H. Shapiro
Nature Photonics 7, 834–838 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

R. Gallego, Ll. Masanes, G. de la Torre, C. Dhara, L. Aolita and A. Acin
Nature Communications 4, 2654 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

Fundamental limitations for quantum and nanoscale thermodynamics
M. Horodecki and J. Oppenheim
Nature Communications 4, 2059 (2013) and

Truly work-like work extraction via a single-shot analysis
J. Aberg
Nature Communications 4, 1925 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

F. G.S.L. Brandao and M. Horodecki
Nature Physics 9, 721-726 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

B. W. Reichardt, F. Unger and U. Vazirani
Nature 496, 456–460 (2013)

Quantum computation and cryptography both involve scenarios in which a user interacts with a quantum
system which is either imperfectly characterised or even "untrusted" (i.e. possibly supplied by an adversary
or eavesdropper). It is thus both fundamental and practical to devise ways to reveal whether the system
behaves as desired. For example, Bell inequalities allow one to certify that a system is behaving quantum
mechanically and not classically.

Mar 22, 2014

M. Van den Nest
Phyical Review Letters 110, 060504 (2013)

It is strongly expected that quantum computers will offer an exponential computation advantage over their
classical counterparts. It is therefore a fundamental problem to understand what aspect or aspects of quantum
mechanics are responsible for this improvement, which remains largely unsolved. A natural candidate is the
entanglement present in quantum mechanics as the source of the computation power, however there is no
decisive evidence that the answer actually lies there.

Mar 22, 2014

A. Stute, B. Casabone, B, Brandstätter, K. Friebe, T. E. Northup and R. Blatt
Nature Photonics 7, 219-222 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

Photonic Boson Sampling in a Tunable Circuit
M. A. Broome, A. Fedrizzi, S. Rahimi-Keshari, J. Dove, S. Aaronson, T. C. Ralph and A. G. White
Science 339, 794-798 (2013) and

Integrated multimode interferometers with arbitrary designs for photonic boson sampling
A. Crespi, R. Osellame, R. Ramponi, D. J. Brod, E. F. Galvao, N. Spagnolo, C. Vitelli, E. Maiorino, P. Mataloni and F. Sciarrino
Nature Photonics 7, 545-549 (2013) and

Mar 22, 2014

S. Takeda, T. Mizuta, M. Fuwa, P. van Loock and A. Furusawa
Nature 500, 315 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

B. Fröhlich, J. F. Dynes, M. Lucamarini, A. W. Sharpe, Z. Yuan and A. J. Shields
Nature 501, 69-72 (2013)

QKD guarantees secure communication against unbounded eavesdroppers and represents a mature quantum
technology. However, so far no convincing answer has been given to the question of how to extend the scope
of QKD beyond applications in dedicated high security networks.

In their work, Fröhlich and colleagues show that adopting simple and cost-effective telecommunication
technologies to form a quantum access network can greatly expand the number of users in quantum networks

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