Highlights for QUTE-EUROPE

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Format: 2024-07-27
Format: 2024-07-27
Format: 2024-07-27

Mar 22, 2014

N. Hinkley, J. A. Sherman, N. B. Phillips, M. Schioppo, N. D. Lemke, K. Beloy, M. Pizzacaro, C. W. Oates and A. D. Ludlow
Science 341 1215-1218 (2013)

Atomic clocks have been instrumental in science and technology, leading to innovations such as global
positioning, advanced communications, and tests of fundamental constant variation. Timekeeping precision
at 1 part in 1018 enables new timing applications in relativistic geodesy, enhanced Earth- and space-based
navigation and telescopy, and new tests of physics beyond the standard model.

Mar 22, 2014

J. Aasi, et al.
Nature Photonics 7, 613–619 (2013)

A global network of observatories is seeking to directly detect gravitational waves using precision laser
interferometry. Photon shot noise, due to the quantum nature of light, imposes a fundamental limit on the
attometre-level sensitivity of the kilometre-scale Michelson interferometers deployed for this task.

Mar 22, 2014

A. Reiserer, S. Ritter and G. Rempe
Science 342, 1349-1351 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

M. C. Rechtsman, J. M. Zeuner, Y. Plotnik, Y. Lumer, D. Podolsky, F. Dreisow, S. Nolte, M. Segev and A. Szameit
Nature 496, 196-200 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

M. Abbarchi, A. Amo, V.G. Sala, D. Solnyshkov, H. Flayac, L. Ferrier, I. Sagnes, E. Galopin, A. Lemaitre, G. Malpuech and J. Bloch
Nature Physics 9, 275-279 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

R. Islam, C. Senko, W. C. Campbell, S. Korenblit, J. Smith, A. Lee, E. E. Edwards1, C.-C. J. Wang,, J. K. Freericks and C.Monroe,
Science 340, 583-587 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

T. Fukuhara, P. Schauß, M. Endres, S. Hild, M. Cheneau, I. Bloch and C. Gross
Nature 502, 76-79 (2013)

More than eighty years ago Hans Bethe predicted that elementary spin waves, known as magnons, in onedimensional
quantum magnets can form bound states - i.e. that two magnons can pair up and propogate
together. Identifying signatures of magnon bound states has so far remained the subject of intense theoretical
research, and their detection has proved challenging for experiments.

Mar 22, 2014

T. Yefsah, A. T. Sommer, M. J. H. Ku, L. W. Cheuk, W. Ji, W. S. Bakr and M. W. Zwierlein
Nature 499, 426-430 (2013)

Solitary waves that maintain their shape as they propagate, known as solitons, occur in many physical
systems, from water waves, to light pulses to quantum mechanical matter waves in superfluids and
superconductors. Solitons are highly nonlinear and localized, properties which make them very sensitive
probes of the medium in which they propagate.

Mar 22, 2014

L. A. Sidorenkov, M. K. Tey, R. Grimm, Y-H Hou, L. Pitaevskii and S. Stringari
Nature 498, 78-81 (2013)

Mar 22, 2014

J. - P. Brantut, C. Grenier, J. Meineke, D. Stadler, S. Krinner, C. Kollath, T. Esslinger and A. Georges
Science 342, 713-715 (2013).

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