Q-ESSENCE Sub-Projects

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SP1: Quantum Metrology and Sensing

Design and implementation of techniques that enable sensing and measurement beyond that possible using classical resources. This will include the use of quantum states of light or matter to determine with ultimate precision parameters such as time, distane, magnetic or gravitational fields, as well as to estimatethe properties of one quantum system by non-destructive interfacing with another. Key research goals will be to sustain super-precicion in the face of decoherence and to design fully integrated quantum sensors.

In SP1, strategies and resources for entanglement-enabled quantum metrology in real-world environments and the basis for future metrology systems will be developed. For this purpose WP.1.1 Quantum metrology in real-world environments is dedicated to the formal issues of noise analysis and optimization of measurement protocols and systems, as well as to the design of optimal state preparation and analysis schemes.  WP1.2 Quantum sensor applications will take up results and develop integrated quantum sensors, ready for real-world applications. The other WPs will focus on extensions of today's quantum metrology approaches. WP1.3 Metrology at the quantum-quantum interfaces will device measurement strategies for quantum-quantum interfaces to realize the ideal quantum measurement reaching the ultimate sensivity by reading quantum properties with a quantum meter. Finally, WP1.4 Multi-parameter estimation and non-linear metrology will repare background for future implementations of more complex and innovate sensing strategies.


SP2: Enabling Technologies for Quantum Communication

Development of resources and methods needed to overcome limitations for both high-speed and long-distance quantum communication, with an emphasis on the distribution and storage of bipartite entanglement suitable for diverse quantum communications tasks. This effort integrates the development of architectures, protocols and component technologies while targeting improved robustness, interconnectivity and scalability in systems that can exploit existing real world communication infrastructures.

SP2 combine five Workpackages. WP2.1 Quantum optical detectors and random number generators will provide crucial results for all applicattions where present capabilities of light detection are insufficient and that require better and faster sources of quantum randomness. WP2.2 Quantum light sources will deliver new and enhanced sources of non-classical light generation. These sources and detectors are critical for next-generation quantum communication systems being pursued in other workpackages of SP2 and explored in SP3. It will also have impact on the ability to implement entanglement-enabled metrology protocols in SP1. WP2.3 Quantum memories and interfaces will provide the basis for linking the quantum communication architectures developed in WP2.4 Design and comparison of quantum communication technologies where methods necesarry to verify their success will also be developed. WP2.5 Quantum communication test beds will provide the test beds where these concepts and technologies can be demonstrated and compared.


SP3: Distributed Quantum Information Processing

Identification and implementation of new protocols for distributed quantum information processing, including their verification, and development of new exploratory technologies allowing for new modes of QIFT in the distributed setting. This will yield entanglement-enabled solutions for multi-user information processing and communication, addressing major societal concerns such as privacy protection and limited mutual trust, for some of which there are probably no solutions in settings limited to classical limits.

In SP3, WP3.1 Distribution of continuous-variable entanglement will explore distribution of continuous-variable entanglement as a resource with a rich internal structure in both bipartite and multipartite settings. WP3.2 New protocols will attack the ambitious tasks of exploring novel protocols for distributed quantum information processing and communication that solve outstanding privacy and security issues, are robust even with non-trusted components, or can operate in more complex network topologies. Verification and identification methods in multipartite settings optimized with respect to resources will be explored in WP3.3 Verification and identification methods The new developments in distributed quantum information processing will be implemented experimentally, together with direct theory support in WP3.4 Implementations of distributed protocols. Finally, WP3.5 Entanglement-based quantum informaton processing will provide a foundational basis that integrates and unifies developments of other workpackages.


SP4: Strategic Operations and Management.

The scientific and technological complexity of the project has been addressed by creating WP4.1 Coordination of project RTD activities. This worpackage will include strategic planning, monitoring, as well as ensuring efficient information flow between RTD workpackages. Management activities, such as communication with the European Commission, reporting, financial matters and administrative support will be carried out by WP4.2 Project management. A broad range of dissemination activities will be implemented by WP4.3 Dissemination activities. Finally, WP4.4 Meetings and training will coordinate meetings and short-term visits which will in particular ensure contacts with the entire QIPC/QIFT community, and provide training activities for those involved in the project, especially junior members.