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Assessment of systems integration and operation.


The purpose of WP7 is to provide an in-depth critical self-evaluation of the SOLID progress, measured against objectives, milestones, and state of the art. The goal is to make the analysis sufficiently comprehensive and explicit such that it can serve to make the strategic and tactical choices and decisions needed for the Work Programme of the second and third years of SOLID. Specifically the objectives of WP-7 are:

  • To monitor the progress within the project as a whole
  • To perform the comparative analysis of different solid-state qubit systems
  • To evaluate the experimental and theoretical results
  • To provide feedback to hardware and software design, fabrication and implementation; to assess the feasibility of hybridization between different qubit platforms and approaches.

These objectives emphasize monitoring and feedback, i.e. measures on the part of the Coordinator and WP-leaders directed toward corrective action whenever necessary. The reporting will therefore focus on the corrective actions necessary to achieve the scientific and technological objectives pertaining to “systems integration and operation"