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The Workpackages


SOLID is a cross-disciplinary solid-state project. The use of superconducting, semiconducting and insulating materials calls for a diverse range of technologies and experimental methodologies. Their unification is best achieved via the common resonator and bus structures illustrated in the overview.

The workpackages within SOLID are organised to reflect this hybrid character, many quantum systems interconnected via a electromagnetic bus.  The core strategy is to develop one complete WP for each of three groups of major solid-state qubit classes (WP1-3), to connect these to a WP4 focussing on interfaces and hybrid devices, and then to WP5 addressing applications for quantum technologies. WP6 will promote the role of SOLID as a hub in a European and global network for solid-state QIP. WP7 assesses the SOLID progress and provides frequent feedback for corrective actions. WP8, finally, provides the necessary scientific and technical management.  In this spirit, the research performed within SOLID is conducted within one of seven complementary scientific workpackages, as depicted on the figure below.

In addition, one workpackage is focussed entirely on the scientific and practical management of the project: