SOLID partners

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Chalmers (SE), Coordinator
Chalmers University of Technology, Gotheburg, Sweden
Scientific contact: goran [dot] wendin [at] chalmers [dot] se (Prof. Göran Wendin)
Administrative contact: collin [at] chalmers [dot] se (Ms. Ingrid Collin)
Quantum Device Physics
Applied Quantum Physics

French Atomic Energy Commission, Saclay, France
Scientific contact: Daniel [dot] esteve [at] cea [dot] fr (Dr. Daniel Esteve)
Administrative contactjean-christophe [dot] coste [at] cea [dot] fr (Mr. Jean-Christophe Coste)
Quantronics Group

Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Scientific contact: L [dot] M [dot] K [dot] Vandersypen [at] tudelft [dot] nl (Prof. Lieven M. K. Vandersypen)
Administrative contactY [dot] Nakagawa [at] tudelft [dot] nl (Ms. Yuki Nakagawa)
Quantum Transport

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland
Scientific contact: andreas [dot] wallraff [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch (Prof. Andreas Wallraff)
Administrative contactfbay [at] phys [dot] ethz [dot] ch (Ms. Francesca Bay)
Quantum Device Lab

Karsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
Scientific contact: schoen [at] tfp [dot] uni-karlsruhe [dot] de (Prof. Gerd Schön)
Administrative contacttfpsek [at] tfp [dot] uni-karlsruhe [dot] de
Institute for Theoretical Solid State Physics
Institute for Condensed Matter Theory
Institute of Physics

Institute of Photonic Technology e.V., Jena, Germany
Scientific contact: evgeni [dot] illichev [at] ipht-jena [dot] de (Dr. Evgeni Illichev)
Administrative contactvolker [dot] reichel [at] ipht-jena [dot] de (Mr. Volker Reichel)


University of Colorado and NIST, CO, USA
Scientific contact: Prof. Konrad W. Lehnert [lehnertk [at] jilau1 [dot] colorado [dot] edu]
Administrative contact: Ms. Melanie McKinney [Melanie [dot] McKinney [at] jila [dot] colorado [dot] edu]

Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Grenoble, France
Scientific contact: olivier [dot] buisson [at] grenoble [dot] cnrs [dot] fr (Dr. Olivier Buisson )
Administrative contactelyette [dot] lanterme [at] dr11 [dot] cnrs [dot] fr (Ms. Elyette Lenterme)

University of California at Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Scientific contact: Prof. John Martinis [martinis [at] physics [dot] ucsb [dot] edu]
Administrative contact: Ms. Alycia Lewis [lewis [at] cnsi [dot] ucsb [dot] edu]

Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Scientific contact: daniel [dot] loss [at] unibas [dot] ch (Prof. Daniel Loss )
Administrative contactfrancois [dot] erkadoo [at] unibas [dot] ch (Mr. Francois Erkadoo)
Basel Quantum Transport Lab

Technische Universität München, München, Germany
Scientific contact: finley [at] wsi [dot] tum [dot] de (Prof. Jonathan Finley )
Administrative contactsonja [dot] kraus [at] wsi [dot] tum [dot] de (Ms. Sonja Kraus)
Nanostructure Photonics Group

Universität Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Scientific contact: wrachtrup [at] physik [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de (Prof. Joerg Wrachtrup )
Administrative contactphys3 [at] physik [dot] uni-stuttgart [dot] de (Ms. Claudia Unger)
3rd Institute of Physics

Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Scientific contact: fazio [at] sns [dot] it (Prof. Rosario Fazio )
Administrative contactricercaeuropea [at] sns [dot] it
Quantum Transport and Information

Universidad del Pais Vasco, Bilboa, Spain
Scientific contact: enrique_solano [at] ehu [dot] es (Prof. Enrique Solano )
Administrative contactproyectoseuropeos [at] ehu [dot] es (Ms. Ione Isasa)