Applications are invited for financial support to facilitate short scientific visits (max 14 day duration) to, or from a participating institution within SOLID. Support up to a maximum of €1500 per guest per visit is provided specifically for the purpose of training researchers and fostering the exchange of information and methodologies. Visits are possible both inside the SOLID consortium and with collaborators not directly working within SOLID. Examples of eligible criteria for such a training visit are: (i) to provide practical assistance in nanofabrication, technology or measurement, (ii) to exchange special samples, (iii) to provide training on the use of simulation software, or aspects of theory or theoretical method, (v) to train / or receive training on scientific topics related to the core scientific goals of SOLID. The training related goals of the visit should be clearly defined in the statement below and be directly measurable via a tangible outcome. (For example via slides of a Lecture that can be posted on the SOLID website, a protocol of a nanofabrication process, written guidelines for a measurement procedure and supporting results, details of a theoretical or numerical simulation method or similar.)
The application procedure is straightforward; simply complete the web form below. The “SOLID Training Committee –STC” will evaluate each application against the criteria summarized above and provide feedback, typically within 10 working days. At present the STC consists of the following 3 experimentalists and 3 theoreticians:
Göran Wendin (Chalmers, SE)
Lieven Vandersypen (TUD, NL)
Gerd Schön (KIT, D)
Jonathan Finley (TUM, D)
Jörg Wrachtrup (USTUTT, D)
Enrique Solano (UPV/EHU, S)
Important: The application must be submitted by the SOLID partner involved in the training and should contain his/her name and e-mail address.