
Relating Wigner's Friend scenarios to Nonclassical Causal Compatibility, Monogamy Relations, and Fine Tuning. (arXiv:2309.12987v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Nonclassical causal modeling was developed in order to explain violations of Bell inequalities while adhering to relativistic causal structure and faithfulness -- that is, avoiding fine-tuned causal explanations. Recently, a no-go theorem stronger than Bell's theorem has been derived, based on extensions of Wigner's friend thought experiment: the Local Friendliness (LF) no-go theorem. Here we show that the LF no-go theorem poses formidable challenges for the field of causal modeling, even when nonclassical and/or cyclic causal explanations are considered. We first recast the LF inequalities, one of the key elements of the LF no-go theorem, as special cases of monogamy relations stemming from a statistical marginal problem; we then further recast LF inequalities as causal compatibility inequalities stemming from a nonclassical causal marginal problem, for a causal structure implied by well-motivated causal-metaphysical assumptions. We find that the LF inequalities emerge from the causal modeling perspective even when allowing the latent causes of observed events to admit post-quantum descriptions, such as Generalised Probabilistic Theories (GPT) or even more exotic theories. We further prove that no nonclassical causal model can explain violations of LF inequalities without violating the No Fine-Tuning principle. Finally, we note that these obstacles cannot be overcome even if one were to appeal to cyclic causal models.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A model of randomly-coupled Pauli spins. (arXiv:2309.15349v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We construct a model of Pauli spin operators with all-to-all 4-local interactions by replacing Majorana fermions in the SYK model with spin operators. Equivalently, we replace fermions with hard-core bosons. We study this model numerically and compare the properties with those of the SYK model. We observe a striking quantitative coincidence between the spin model and the SYK model, which suggests that this spin model is strongly chaotic and, perhaps, can play some role in holography. We also discuss the path-integral approach with multi-local fields and the possibility of quantum simulations. This model may be an interesting target for quantum simulations because Pauli spins are easier to implement than fermions on qubit-based quantum devices.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Generating Quantum Matrix Geometry from Gauged Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:2310.01051v3 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Quantum matrix geometry is the underlying geometry of M(atrix) theory. Expanding upon the idea of level projection, we propose a quantum-oriented non-commutative scheme for generating the matrix geometry of the coset space $G/H$. We employ this novel scheme to unveil unexplored matrix geometries by utilizing gauged quantum mechanics on higher dimensional spheres. The resultant matrix geometries manifest as $\it{pure}$ quantum Nambu geometries: Their non-commutative structures elude capture through the conventional commutator formalism of Lie algebra, necessitating the introduction of the quantum Nambu algebra. This matrix geometry embodies a one-dimension-lower quantum internal geometry featuring nested fuzzy structures. While the continuum limit of this quantum geometry is represented by overlapping classical manifolds, their fuzzification cannot reproduce the original quantum geometry. We demonstrate how these quantum Nambu geometries give rise to novel solutions in Yang-Mills matrix models, exhibiting distinct physical properties from the known fuzzy sphere solutions.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Exploring the topological sector optimization on quantum computers. (arXiv:2310.04291v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Optimization problems are the core challenge in many fields of science and engineering, yet general and effective methods are scarce for searching optimal solutions. Quantum computing has been envisioned to help solve such problems, for example, the quantum annealing (QA) method based on adiabatic evolution has been extensively explored and successfully implemented on quantum simulators such as D-wave's annealers and some Rydberg arrays. In this work, we investigate topological sector optimization (TSO) problem, which attracts particular interests in the quantum many-body physics community. We reveal that the topology induced by frustration in the spin model is an intrinsic obstruction for QA and other traditional methods to approach the ground state. We demonstrate that the optimization difficulties of TSO problem are not restricted to the gaplessness, but are also due to the topological nature which are often ignored for the analysis of optimization problems before. To solve TSO problems, we utilize quantum imaginary time evolution (QITE) with a possible realization on quantum computers, which exploits the property of quantum superposition to explore the full Hilbert space and can thus address optimization problems of topological nature. We report the performance of different quantum optimization algorithms on TSO problems and demonstrate that their capability to address optimization problems are distinct even when considering the quantum computational resources required for practical QITE implementations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Photon-number resolution with microwave Josephson photomultipliers. (arXiv:2310.05604v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We study counting photons confined in a mode of a microwave resonator via repeated measurements by a Josephson photomultiplier (JPM). The considered JPM is essentially a flux-biased phase qubit operating as a single-photon detector. We identify optimal operational regimes that maximize photon-number resolution within a predetermined range. Two counting techniques are studied. The first is to count the total number of clicks in the measurement sequence. The second involves counting the number of clicks until the occurrence of either the first no-click event or the end of the measurement sequence. Our theoretical methods employ the derived positive operator-valued measures for the considered photocounting techniques and the introduced measure of the photon-number resolution. The results reveal that the resolution decrease in both cases is mainly caused by the JPM relaxation. As an example, we show how the obtained results can be used for practical testing nonclassical properties of electromagnetic radiation in a microwave resonator.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Probabilistic error cancellation for dynamic quantum circuits. (arXiv:2310.07825v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) is a technique that generates error-mitigated estimates of expectation values from ensembles of quantum circuits. In this work we extend the application of PEC from unitary-only circuits to dynamic circuits with measurement-based operations, such as mid-circuit measurements and classically-controlled (feedforward) Clifford operations. Our approach extends the sparse Pauli-Lindblad noise model to measurement-based operations while accounting for non-local measurement crosstalk in superconducting processors. Our mitigation and monitoring experiments provide a holistic view for the performance of the protocols developed in this work. These capabilities will be a crucial tool in the exploration of near-term dynamic circuit applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The Discrete Noise Approximation in Quantum Circuits. (arXiv:2311.00135v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

When modeling the effects of noise on quantum circuits, one often makes the assumption that these effects can be accounted for by individual decoherence events following an otherwise noise-free gate. In this work, we address the validity of this model. We find that under a fairly broad set of assumptions, this model of individual decoherence events provides a good approximation to the true noise processes occurring on a quantum device during the implementation of a quantum circuit. However, for gates which correspond to sufficiently large rotations of the qubit register, we find that the qualitative nature of these noise terms can vary significantly from the nature of the noise at the underlying hardware level. The bulk of our analysis is directed towards analyzing what we refer to as the separability ansatz, which is an ansatz concerning the manner in which individual quantum operations acting on a quantum system can be approximated. In addition to the primary motivation of this work, we identify several other areas of open research which may benefit from the results we derive here.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Geometrizing the Partial Entanglement Entropy: from PEE Threads to Bit Threads. (arXiv:2311.02301v3 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We give a scheme to geometrize the partial entanglement entropy (PEE) for holographic CFT in the context of AdS/CFT. More explicitly, given a point $\textbf{x}$ we geometrize the two-point PEEs between $\textbf{x}$ and any other points in terms of the bulk geodesics connecting these two points. We refer to these geodesics as the \textit{PEE threads}, which can be naturally regarded as the integral curves of a divergenceless vector field $V_{\textbf{x}}^{\mu}$, which we call \emph{PEE thread flow}. The norm of $V_{\textbf{x}}^{\mu}$ that characterizes the density of the PEE threads can be determined by some physical requirements of the PEE. We show that, for any static interval or spherical region $A$, a unique bit thread configuration can be generated from the PEE thread configuration determined by the state. Hence, the non-intrinsic bit threads are emergent from the intrinsic PEE threads. For static disconnected intervals, the vector fields describing a divergenceless flow is are longer suitable to reproduce the RT formula. We weight the PEE threads with the number of times it intersects with any homologous surface. Instead the RT formula is perfectly reformulated to be the minimization of the summation of the PEE threads with all possible assignment of weights.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Resource analysis of quantum algorithms for coarse-grained protein folding models. (arXiv:2311.04186v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Protein folding processes are a vital aspect of molecular biology that is hard to simulate with conventional computers. Quantum algorithms have been proven superior for certain problems and may help tackle this complex life science challenge. We analyze the resource requirements for simulating protein folding on a quantum computer, assessing this problem's feasibility in the current and near-future technological landscape. We calculate the minimum number of qubits, interactions, and two-qubit gates necessary to build a heuristic quantum algorithm with the specific information of a folding problem. Particularly, we focus on the resources needed to build quantum operations based on the Hamiltonian linked to the protein folding models for a given amino acid count. Such operations are a fundamental component of these quantum algorithms, guiding the evolution of the quantum state for efficient computations. Specifically, we study course-grained folding models on the lattice and the fixed backbone side-chain conformation model and assess their compatibility with the constraints of existing quantum hardware given different bit-encodings. We conclude that the number of qubits required falls within current technological capabilities. However, the limiting factor is the high number of interactions in the Hamiltonian, resulting in a quantum gate count unavailable today.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Emergence and enhancement of feedback control induced quantum entanglement. (arXiv:2311.06578v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We present a scheme for controlling quantum correlations by applying feedback to the cavity mode that exits a cavity while interacting with a mechanical oscillator and magnons. In a hybrid cavity magnomechanical system with a movable mirror, the proposed coherent feedback scheme allows for the enhancement of both bipartite and tripartite quantum correlations. Moreover, we demonstrate that the resulting entanglement remains robust with respect to ambient temperatures in the presence of coherent feedback control.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observation of the non-Hermitian skin effect and Fermi skin on a digital quantum computer. (arXiv:2311.10143v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Non-Hermitian physics has attracted considerable attention in the recent years, in particular the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) for its extreme sensitivity and non-locality. While the NHSE has been physically observed in various classical metamaterials and even ultracold atomic arrays, its highly-nontrivial implications in many-body dynamics have never been experimentally investigated. In this work, we report the first observation of the NHSE on a universal quantum processor, as well as its characteristic but elusive Fermi skin from many-fermion statistics. To implement NHSE dynamics on a quantum computer, the effective time-evolution circuit not only needs to be non-reciprocal and non-unitary, but must also be scaled up to a sufficient number of lattice qubits to achieve spatial non-locality. We show how such a non-unitary operation can be systematically realized by post-selecting multiple ancilla qubits, as demonstrated through two paradigmatic non-reciprocal models on a noisy IBM quantum processor, with clear signatures of asymmetric spatial propagation and many-body Fermi skin accumulation. To minimize errors from inevitable device noise, time evolution is performed using a trainable optimized quantum circuit produced with variational quantum algorithms. Our study represents a critical milestone in the quantum simulation of non-Hermitian lattice phenomena on present-day quantum computers, and can be readily generalized to more sophisticated many-body models with the remarkable programmability of quantum computers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Teaching Quantum Computing using Microsoft Quantum Development Kit and Azure Quantum. (arXiv:2311.12960v2 [physics.ed-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

This report describes my experience teaching a graduate-level quantum computing course at Northeastern University in the academic year 2022-23. The course takes a practical, software-driven approach to the course, teaching basic quantum concepts and algorithms through hands-on programming assignments and a software-focused final project. The course guides learners through all stages of the quantum software development process, from solving quantum computing problems and implementing solutions to debugging quantum programs, optimizing the code, and running the code on quantum hardware. This report offers instructors who want to adopt a similar practical approach to teaching quantum computing a comprehensive guide to getting started.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Topological spin textures in electronic non-Hermitian systems. (arXiv:2312.01041v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Non-Hermitian systems have been discussed mostly in the context of open systems and nonequilibrium. Recent experimental progress is much from optical, cold-atomic, and classical platforms due to the vast tunability and clear identification of observables. However, their counterpart in solid-state electronic systems in equilibrium remains unmasked although highly desired, where a variety of materials are available, calculations are solidly founded, and accurate spectroscopic techniques can be applied. We demonstrate that, in the surface state of a topological insulator with spin-dependent relaxation due to magnetic impurities, highly nontrivial topological soliton spin textures appear in momentum space. Such spin-channel phenomena are delicately related to the type of non-Hermiticity and correctly reveal the most robust non-Hermitian features detectable spectroscopically. Moreover, the distinct topological soliton objects can be deformed to each other, mediated by topological transitions driven by tuning across a critical direction of doped magnetism. These results not only open a solid-state avenue to exotic spin patterns via spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, but also inspire non-Hermitian dissipation engineering of spins in solids.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Reply to "Comment on `Generalized James' effective Hamiltonian method' ". (arXiv:2312.05732v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

In the preceding Comment [1] it was claimed that the third-order Hamiltonian obtained in our original paper [2] is not Hermitian for general situations when considering time-dependence and the way of deriving the effective third-order expansion is not very rigorous. To reply the comment we should emphasize the following three points: first of all, the third-order Hamiltonian given in our paper is exactly Hermitian under the conditions mentioned there. Secondly, the iterative method adopted in our paper to derive the generalized effective Hamiltonian is equivalent to the Dyson series, and its correctness can thus be guaranteed. Thirdly, although the truncated effective Hamiltonian is indeed non-Hermitian under the time-dependent situation as presented in the Comment, it corresponds exactly to the non-unitary truncated Dyson series. Considering the truncated Dyson series has been extensively utilized in the time-dependent perturbation theory, in our opinion, the non-Hermitian truncated effective Hamiltonian can still be treated as an approximation of the effective Hamiltonian.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Practical Scheme for Realization of a Quantum Battery. (arXiv:2312.06389v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We propose a practical scheme for a quantum battery consisting of an atom-cavity interacting system under a structured reservoir in the non-Markovian regime. We investigate a multi-parameter regime for the cavity-reservoir coupling and reveal how these parameters affect the performance of the quantum battery. Our proposed scheme is simple and may be achievable for practical realization and implementation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The inertia bound is far from tight. (arXiv:2312.04925v2 [math.CO] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The inertia bound and ratio bound (also known as the Cvetkovi\'c bound and Hoffman bound) are two fundamental inequalities in spectral graph theory, giving upper bounds on the independence number $\alpha(G)$ of a graph $G$ in terms of spectral information about a weighted adjacency matrix of $G$. For both inequalities, given a graph $G$, one needs to make a judicious choice of weighted adjacency matrix to obtain as strong a bound as possible.

While there is a well-established theory surrounding the ratio bound, the inertia bound is much more mysterious, and its limits are rather unclear. In fact, only recently did Sinkovic find the first example of a graph for which the inertia bound is not tight (for any weighted adjacency matrix), answering a longstanding question of Godsil. We show that the inertia bound can be extremely far from tight, and in fact can significantly underperform the ratio bound: for example, one of our results is that for infinitely many $n$, there is an $n$-vertex graph for which even the unweighted ratio bound can prove $\alpha(G)\leq 4n^{3/4}$, but the inertia bound is always at least $n/4$. In particular, these results address questions of Rooney, Sinkovic, and Wocjan--Elphick--Abiad.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Alchemy and Universal Orthogonality Catastrophe in One-Dimensional Anyons. (arXiv:2210.10776v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Many-particle quantum systems with intermediate anyonic exchange statistics are supported in one spatial dimension. In this context, the anyon-anyon mapping is recast as a continuous transformation that generates shifts of the statistical parameter $\kappa$. We characterize the geometry of quantum states associated with different values of $\kappa$, i.e., different quantum statistics. While states in the bosonic and fermionic subspaces are always orthogonal, overlaps between anyonic states are generally finite and exhibit a universal form of the orthogonality catastrophe governed by a fundamental statistical factor, independent of the microscopic Hamiltonian. We characterize this decay using quantum speed limits on the flow of $\kappa$, illustrate our results with a model of hard-core anyons, and discuss possible experiments in quantum simulation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Based on CNR Operation. (arXiv:2310.17927v5 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

This paper introduces the ``comparison and replacement" (CNR) operation and propose a general-purpose pure quantum approximate algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems. The CNR operation is implemented with the aid of $t$ ancillary qubits. And our algorithm is constructed to a $p$-level divide-and-conquer structure based on the CNR operation. The quality of approximate optimization improves with the increase of $p$. And the practical performance improves and converges to the theoretical case as $t$ increases. For sufficiently general problems, the algorithm can work and quantitatively produce a solution which well optimizes the problem with considerably high probability. Furthermore, we illustrate the simulation results of our algorithm when applied to MAX-2-XOR instances and Gaussian weighted 2-edge graphs. The advantage of our algorithm is that, quantitatively, we can choose $p$ to produce the solution near optimum with probability of acceptance and evaluate the performance explicitly.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Towards establishing a connection between two-level quantum systems and physical spaces. (arXiv:2312.09270v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-18 15:45

This work seeks to make explicit the operational connection between the preparation of two-level quantum systems with their corresponding description (as states) in a Hilbert space. This may sound outdated, but we show there is more to this connection than common sense may lead us to believe. To bridge these two separated realms -- the actual laboratory and the space of states -- we rely on a paradigmatic mathematical object: the Hopf fibration. We illustrate how this connection works in practice with a simple optical setup. Remarkably, this optical setup also reflects the necessity of using two charts to cover a sphere. Put another way, our experimental realization reflects the bi-dimensionality of a sphere seen as a smooth manifold.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Non-invertible symmetry-protected topological order in a group-based cluster state. (arXiv:2312.09272v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Mon, 2023-12-18 15:45

Despite growing interest in beyond-group symmetries in quantum condensed matter systems, there are relatively few microscopic lattice models explicitly realizing these symmetries, and many phenomena have yet to be studied at the microscopic level. We introduce a one-dimensional stabilizer Hamiltonian composed of group-based Pauli operators whose ground state is a $G\times \text{Rep}(G)$-symmetric state: the $G \textit{ cluster state}$ introduced in Brell, New Journal of Physics 17, 023029 (2015) [at this http URL]. We show that this state lies in a symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase protected by $G\times \text{Rep}(G)$ symmetry, distinct from the symmetric product state by a duality argument. We identify several signatures of SPT order, namely protected edge modes, string order parameters, and topological response. We discuss how $G$ cluster states may be used as a universal resource for measurement-based quantum computation, explicitly working out the case where $G$ is a semidirect product of abelian groups.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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