
Quantum circuits for measuring weak values, Kirkwood--Dirac quasiprobability distributions, and state spectra. (arXiv:2302.00705v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Weak values and Kirkwood--Dirac (KD) quasiprobability distributions have been independently associated with both foundational issues in quantum theory and advantages in quantum metrology. We propose simple quantum circuits to measure weak values, KD distributions, and spectra of density matrices without the need for post-selection. This is achieved by measuring unitary-invariant, relational properties of quantum states, which are functions of Bargmann invariants, the concept that underpins our unified perspective. Our circuits also enable experimental implementation of various functions of KD distributions, such as out-of-time-ordered correlators (OTOCs) and the quantum Fisher information in post-selected parameter estimation, among others. An upshot is a unified view of nonclassicality in all those tasks. In particular, we discuss how negativity and imaginarity of Bargmann invariants relate to set coherence.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Information propagation in long-range quantum many-body systems. (arXiv:2303.06506v3 [math-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We study general lattice bosons with long-range hopping and long-range interactions decaying as $|x-y|^{-\alpha} $ with $\alpha\in (d+2,2d+1)$. We find a linear light cone for the information propagation starting from suitable initial states. We apply these bounds to estimate the minimal time needed for quantum messaging, for the propagation of quantum correlations, and for quantum state control. The proofs are based on the ASTLO method (adiabatic spacetime localization observables). Our results pose previously unforeseen limitations on the applicability of fast-transfer and entanglement-generation protocols developed for breaking linear light cones in long-range and/or bosonic systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Chiral basis for qubits. (arXiv:2303.14056v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We propose a qubit basis composed of transverse spin helices with kinks. This chiral basis, in contrast to the usual computational basis, possesses distinct topological properties and is particularly suited for describing quantum states with nontrivial topology. By choosing appropriate parameters, operators containing transverse spin components, such as $\sigma_n^x$ or $\sigma_n^y$, become diagonal in the chiral basis, facilitating the study of problems focused on transverse spin components. As an application, we study the decay of the transverse polarization of a spin helix in the XX model, which has been measured in recent cold atom experiments. We obtain an explicit universal function describing the relaxation of helices of arbitrary wavelength.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Efficacy of virtual purification-based error mitigation on quantum metrology. (arXiv:2303.15838v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Noise is the main source that hinders us from fully exploiting quantum advantages in various quantum informational tasks. However, characterizing and calibrating the effect of noise is not always feasible in practice. Especially for quantum parameter estimation, an estimator constructed without precise knowledge of noise entails an inevitable bias. Recently, virtual purification-based error mitigation (VPEM) has been proposed to apply for quantum metrology to reduce such a bias occurring from unknown noise. While it was demonstrated to work for particular cases, whether VPEM always reduces a bias for general estimation schemes is unclear yet. For more general applications of VPEM to quantum metrology, we study factors determining whether VPEM can reduce the bias. We find that the closeness between the dominant eigenvector of a noisy state and the ideal quantum probe (without noise) with respect to an observable determines the reducible amount of bias by VPEM. Next, we show that one should carefully choose the reference point of the target parameter, which gives a smaller bias than others because the bias depends on the reference point. Otherwise, even if the dominant eigenvector and the ideal quantum probe are close, the bias of the mitigated case could be larger than the non-mitigated one. Finally, we analyze the error mitigation for a phase estimation scheme under various noises. Based on our analysis, we predict whether VPEM can effectively reduce a bias and numerically verify our results.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observation of subdiffusive dynamic scaling in a driven and disordered Bose gas. (arXiv:2304.06697v2 [cond-mat.quant-gas] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We explore the dynamics of a tuneable box-trapped Bose gas under strong periodic forcing in the presence of weak disorder. In absence of interparticle interactions, the interplay of the drive and disorder results in an isotropic nonthermal momentum distribution that shows subdiffusive dynamic scaling, with sublinear energy growth and the universal scaling function captured well by a compressed exponential. We explain that this subdiffusion in momentum space can naturally be understood as a random walk in energy space. We also experimentally show that for increasing interaction strength, the gas behavior smoothly crosses over to wave turbulence characterized by a power-law momentum distribution, which opens new possibilities for systematic studies of the interplay of disorder and interactions in driven quantum systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Simulation of quantum optics by coherent state decomposition. (arXiv:2305.17099v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We introduce a framework for simulating quantum optics by decomposing the system into a finite rank (number of terms) superposition of coherent states. This allows us to define a resource theory, where linear optical operations are 'free' (i.e., do not increase the rank), and the simulation complexity for an $m$-mode system scales quadratically in $m$, in stark contrast to the Hilbert space dimension. We outline this approach explicitly in the Fock basis, relevant in particular for Boson sampling, where the simulation time (space) complexity for computing output amplitudes, to arbitrary accuracy, scales as $O(m^2 2^n)$ ($O(m2^n)$), for $n$ photons distributed amongst $m$ modes. We additionally demonstrate that linear optical simulations with the $n$ photons initially in the same mode scales efficiently, as $O(m^2 n)$. This paradigm provides a practical notion of 'non-classicality', i.e., the classical resources required for simulation. Moreover, by making connections to the stellar rank formalism, we show this comes from two independent contributions, the number of single-photon additions, and the amount of squeezing.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement generation between distant spins via quasilocal reservoir engineering. (arXiv:2306.07507v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The generation and preservation of entanglement is a central goal in quantum technology. Traditionally, dissipation in quantum systems is thought to be detrimental to entanglement, however dissipation can also be utilised as a means of generating entanglement between quantum spins that are not directly interacting. In particular entanglement can be generated between two qubits, or multi qubit systems via a collective coupling to a reservoir. In this work, we explore multiple spin domains pairwise coupled to different reservoirs and show that entanglement can be generated between spins which are not coupled to each other, or even coupled to the same reservoir.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Steady-state edge burst: From free-particle systems to interaction-induced phenomena. (arXiv:2306.08676v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The interplay between the non-Hermitian skin effect and the imaginary gap of lossy lattices results in the edge burst, a boundary-induced dynamical phenomenon in which an exceptionally large portion of particle loss occurs at the edge. Here, we find that this intriguing non-Hermitian dynamical phenomenon can be exactly mapped into the steady-state density distribution of a corresponding open quantum system. Consequently, the bulk-edge scaling relation of loss probability in the edge burst maps to that of steady-state density. Furthermore, we introduce a many-body open-system model in which the two-body loss generates an interaction-induced non-Hermitian skin effect. Using the positive-$P$ method, we demonstrate the validity of the scaling relation for steady-state correlators. These results provide a unique perspective on the interaction-induced many-body non-Hermitian skin effect. Our predictions are testable in state-of-the-art experimental platforms.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Exponential Qubit Reduction in Optimization for Financial Transaction Settlement. (arXiv:2307.07193v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We extend the qubit-efficient encoding presented in [Tan et al., Quantum 5, 454 (2021)] and apply it to instances of the financial transaction settlement problem constructed from data provided by a regulated financial exchange. Our methods are directly applicable to any QUBO problem with linear inequality constraints. Our extension of previously proposed methods consists of a simplification in varying the number of qubits used to encode correlations as well as a new class of variational circuits which incorporate symmetries, thereby reducing sampling overhead, improving numerical stability and recovering the expression of the cost objective as a Hermitian observable. We also propose optimality-preserving methods to reduce variance in real-world data and substitute continuous slack variables. We benchmark our methods against standard QAOA for problems consisting of 16 transactions and obtain competitive results. Our newly proposed variational ansatz performs best overall. We demonstrate tackling problems with 128 transactions on real quantum hardware, exceeding previous results bounded by NISQ hardware by almost two orders of magnitude.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Topological properties of a non-Hermitian quasi-1D chain with a flat band. (arXiv:2307.08754v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The spectral properties of a non-Hermitian quasi-1D lattice in two of the possible dimerization configurations are investigated. Specifically, it focuses on a non-Hermitian diamond chain that presents a zero-energy flat band. The flat band originates from wave interference and results in eigenstates with a finite contribution only on two sites of the unit cell. To achieve the non-Hermitian characteristics, the system under study presents non-reciprocal hopping terms in the chain. This leads to the accumulation of eigenstates on the boundary of the system, known as the non-Hermitian skin effect. Despite this accumulation of eigenstates, for one of the two considered configurations, it is possible to characterize the presence of non-trivial edge states at zero energy by a real-space topological invariant known as the biorthogonal polarization. This work shows that this invariant, evaluated using the destructive interference method, characterizes the non-trivial phase of the non-Hermitian diamond chain. For the second non-Hermitian configuration, there is a finite quantum metric associated with the flat band. Additionally, the system presents the skin effect despite the system having a purely real or imaginary spectrum. The two non-Hermitian diamond chains can be mapped into two models of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains, either non-Hermitian, and Hermitian, both in the presence of a flat band. This mapping allows to draw valuable insights into the behavior and properties of these systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Estimating Entanglement Entropy via Variational Quantum Circuits with Classical Neural Networks. (arXiv:2307.13511v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Entropy plays a crucial role in both physics and information science, encompassing classical and quantum domains. In this work, we present the Quantum Neural Entropy Estimator (QNEE), a novel approach that combines classical neural network (NN) with variational quantum circuits to estimate the von Neumann and Renyi entropies of a quantum state. QNEE provides accurate estimates of entropy while also yielding the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the input density matrix. Leveraging the capabilities of classical NN, QNEE can classify different phases of quantum systems that accompany the changes of entanglement entropy. Our numerical simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of QNEE by applying it to the 1D XXZ Heisenberg model. In particular, QNEE exhibits high sensitivity in estimating entanglement entropy near the phase transition point. We expect that QNEE will serve as a valuable tool for quantum entropy estimation and phase classification.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Thermal transitions in a one-dimensional, finite-size Ising model. (arXiv:2307.15479v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We revisit the one-dimensional ferromagnetic Ising spin-chain with a finite number of spins and periodic boundaries and derive analytically and verify numerically its various stationary and dynamical properties at different temperatures. In particular, we determine the probability distributions of magnetization, the number of domain walls, and the corresponding residence times for different chain lengths and magnetic fields. While we study finite systems at thermal equilibrium, we identify several temperatures similar to the critical temperatures for first-order phase transitions in the thermodynamic limit. We illustrate the utility of our results by their application to structural transitions in biopolymers having non-trivial intermediate equilibrium states.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Micron-size spatial superpositions for the QGEM-protocol via screening and trapping. (arXiv:2307.15743v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The quantum gravity-induced entanglement of masses (QGEM) protocol for testing quantum gravity using entanglement witnessing utilizes the creation of spatial quantum superpositions of two neutral, massive matter-wave interferometers kept adjacent to each other, separated by a distance d. The mass and the spatial superposition should be such that the two quantum systems can entangle solely via the quantum nature of gravity. Despite being charge-neutral, there are many electromagnetic backgrounds that can also entangle the systems, such as the dipole-dipole interaction, and the Casimir-Polder interaction. To minimize electromagnetic-induced interactions between the masses it is pertinent to isolate the two superpositions by a conducting plate. However, the conducting plate will also exert forces on the masses and hence the trajectories of the two superpositions would be affected. To minimize this effect, we propose to trap the two interferometers such that the trapping potential dominates over the attraction between the conducting plate and the matter-wave interferometers. The superpositions can still be created via the Stern-Gerlach effect in the direction parallel to the plate, where the trapping potential is negligible. The combination of trapping and shielding provides a better parameter space for the parallel configuration of the experiment, where the requirement on the size of the spatial superposition, to witness the entanglement between the two masses purely due to their quantum nature of gravity, decreases by at least two orders of magnitude as compared to the original protocol paper.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Determining the ability for universal quantum computing: Testing controllability via dimensional expressivity. (arXiv:2308.00606v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Operator controllability refers to the ability to implement an arbitrary unitary in SU(N) and is a prerequisite for universal quantum computing. Controllability tests can be used in the design of quantum devices to reduce the number of external controls. Their practical use is hampered, however, by the exponential scaling of their numerical effort with the number of qubits. Here, we devise a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm based on a parametrized quantum circuit. We show that controllability is linked to the number of independent parameters, which can be obtained by dimensional expressivity analysis. We exemplify the application of the algorithm to qubit arrays with nearest-neighbour couplings and local controls. Our work provides a systematic approach to the resource-efficient design of quantum chips.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Revisiting Backflow Corrections by Tensor Representations: Benchmarks on Fermi-Hubbard-type Models. (arXiv:2308.11823v4 [cond-mat.str-el] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The quantum many-body problem is an important topic in condensed matter physics. To efficiently solve the problem, several methods have been developped to improve the representation ability of wave-functions.For the Fermi-Hubbard model, current state-of-the-art methods are neural network backflows and the hidden fermion Slater determinant. The backflow correction is an efficient way to improve the Slater determinant of free-particles. In this work we propose a tensor representation of the backflow corrected wave-function, we show that for the spinless $t$-$V$ model, the energy precision is competitive or even lower than current state-of-the-art tensor network methods. For models with spin, we further improve the representation ability by considering non-zero backflow corrections on different spins between the orbital and the particle. We benchmark on molecules under STO-3G basis and the Fermi-Hubbard model with periodic and cylindrical boudary conditions. We show that our methods achieve competitive or even lower energy results than current state-of-the-art methods.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Macroscopic distant magnon modes entanglement via a squeezed reservoir. (arXiv:2308.13586v3 [physics.optics] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The generation of robust entanglement in quantum system arrays is a crucial aspect of the realization of efficient quantum information processing. Recently, the field of quantum magnonics has garnered significant attention as a promising platform for advancing in this direction. In our proposed scheme, we utilize a one-dimensional array of coupled cavities, with each cavity housing a single yttrium iron garnet (YIG) sphere coupled to the cavity mode through magnetic dipole interaction. To induce entanglement between YIGs, we employ a local squeezed reservoir, which provides the necessary nonlinearity for entanglement generation. Our results demonstrate the successful generation of bipartite and tripartite entanglement between distant magnon modes, all achieved through a single quantum reservoir. Furthermore, the steady-state entanglement between magnon modes is robust against magnon dissipation rates and environment temperature. Our results may lead to applications of cavity-magnon arrays in quantum information processing and quantum communication systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Long-distance high-fidelity continuous-variable quantum key distribution with non-Gaussian operations: An exact closed form solution. (arXiv:2308.13859v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

In this paper, we derive a closed form expression for the output state of a CV-QKD protocol in the presence of zero-photon catalysis (ZPC) and quantum scissor (QS). Then, based on this closed form solution, we use direct search algorithm to find the appropriate values of input state and QS parameters, which considerably enhance the range and the fidelity of a CV-QKD protocol. In the special case of pure loss channel, the largest range of the protocol is only 6.5% less than the fundamental limit of repeaterless quantum communication. In addition, examination of the protocol for different values of excess noise, reveals that their is a trade-off between range and fidelity, and high value of fidelity can be obtained at the cost of a slight reduction in protocol range.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Signature of attochemical quantum interference upon ionization and excitation of an electronic wavepacket in fluoro-benzene. (arXiv:2309.08269v2 [physics.chem-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Ultrashort pulses can excite or ionize molecules and populate coherent electronic wavepackets, inducing complex dynamics. In this work, we simulate the coupled electron-nuclear dynamics upon ionization to different electronic wavepackets of (deuterated) benzene and fluoro-benzene molecules, quantum mechanically and in full dimensionality. In fluoro-benzene, the calculations unravel both inter-state and intra-state quantum interferences that leave clear signatures of attochemistry and charge-directed reactivity in the shape of the autocorrelation function. The latter are in agreement with experimental high harmonic spectroscopy measurements of benzenes and fluoro-benzene.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Quantum Vision Clustering. (arXiv:2309.09907v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Unsupervised visual clustering has garnered significant attention in recent times, aiming to characterize distributions of unlabeled visual images through clustering based on a parameterized appearance approach. Alternatively, clustering algorithms can be viewed as assignment problems, often characterized as NP-hard, yet precisely solvable for small instances on contemporary hardware. Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) emerges as a promising solution, poised to deliver substantial speedups for a range of NP-hard optimization problems. However, existing clustering formulations face challenges in quantum computing adoption due to scalability issues. In this study, we present the first clustering formulation tailored for resolution using Adiabatic quantum computing. An Ising model is introduced to represent the quantum mechanical system implemented on AQC. The proposed approach demonstrates high competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art optimization-based methods, even when utilizing off-the-shelf integer programming solvers. Lastly, this work showcases the solvability of the proposed clustering problem on current-generation real quantum computers for small examples and analyzes the properties of the obtained solutions

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement R\'enyi entropy and boson-fermion duality in massless Thirring model. (arXiv:2309.11889v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We investigate the second R\'enyi entropy of two intervals in the massless Thirring model describing a self-interacting Dirac fermion in two dimensions. Boson-fermion duality relating this model to a free compact boson theory enables us to simplify the calculation of the second R\'enyi entropy, reducing it to the evaluation of the partition functions of the bosonic theory on a torus. We derive exact results on the second R\'enyi entropy, and examine the dependence on the sizes of the intervals and the coupling constant of the model both analytically and numerically. We also explore the mutual R\'enyi information, a measure quantifying the correlation between the two intervals, and find that it generally increases as the coupling constant of the Thirring model becomes larger.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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