
Discovery of an Unconventional Quantum Echo by Interference of Higgs Coherence. (arXiv:2312.10912v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Nonlinearities in quantum systems are fundamentally characterized by the interplay of phase coherences, their interference, and state transition amplitudes. Yet the question of how quantum coherence and interference manifest in transient, massive Higgs excitations, prevalent within both the quantum vacuum and superconductors, remains elusive. One hallmark example is photon echo, enabled by the generation, preservation, and retrieval of phase coherences amid multiple excitations. Here we reveal an unconventional quantum echo arising from the Higgs coherence in superconductors, and identify distinctive signatures attributed to Higgs anharmonicity. A terahertz pulse-pair modulation of the superconducting gap generates a "time grating" of coherent Higgs population, which scatters echo signals distinct from conventional spin- and photon-echoes in atoms and semiconductors. These manifestations appear as Higgs echo spectral peaks occurring at frequencies forbidden by equilibrium particle-hole symmetry, an asymmetric delay in the echo formation from the dynamics of the "reactive" superconducting state, and negative time signals arising from Higgs-quasiparticle anharmonic coupling. The Higgs interference and anharmonicity control the decoherence of driven superconductivity and may enable applications in quantum memory and entanglement.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Influence of initial states on memory effects: A study of early-time superradiance. (arXiv:2312.10938v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The initial state of a quantum system can significantly influence its future dynamics, especially in non-Markovain quantum processes due to the environmental memory effects. Based on a previous work of ours, we propose a method to quantify the memory effects of a non-Markovian quantum process conditioned on a particular system initial state. We apply our method to study the early-time dynamics of a superradiance model where $N$ atoms (the system) interacting with a single-mode vacuum cavity (the environment) with several types of initial states. We find that the value of the memory effects in the early-time regime is half the environmental photon number for the (dephased) Dicke states. Besides, the memory effects, the environmental photon number and the degree of superradiance can be simultaneously enhanced by the coherence or entanglement of some initial states. In our study, the transitions from non-superradiant initial states to superradiant ones are always accompanied by the enhancement of memory effects, showing the importance of memory effects in superradiance.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Observation of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Dipolar Molecules. (arXiv:2312.10965v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Ensembles of particles governed by quantum mechanical laws exhibit fascinating emergent behavior. Atomic quantum gases, liquid helium, and electrons in quantum materials all show distinct properties due to their composition and interactions. Quantum degenerate samples of bosonic dipolar molecules promise the realization of novel phases of matter with tunable dipolar interactions and new avenues for quantum simulation and quantum computation. However, rapid losses, even when reduced through collisional shielding techniques, have so far prevented cooling to a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). In this work, we report on the realization of a BEC of dipolar molecules. By strongly suppressing two- and three-body losses via enhanced collisional shielding, we evaporatively cool sodium-cesium (NaCs) molecules to quantum degeneracy. The BEC reveals itself via a bimodal distribution and a phase-space-density exceeding one. BECs with a condensate fraction of 60(10) % and a temperature of 6(2) nK are created and found to be stable with a lifetime close to 2 seconds. This work opens the door to the exploration of dipolar quantum matter in regimes that have been inaccessible so far, promising the creation of exotic dipolar droplets, self-organized crystal phases, and dipolar spin liquids in optical lattices.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Characterizing Klein-Fock-Gordon-Majorana particles in (1+1) dimensions. (arXiv:2312.10971v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Theoretically, in (1+1) dimensions, one can have Klein-Fock-Gordon-Majorana (KFGM) particles. More precisely, these are one-dimensional (1D) Klein-Fock-Gordon (KFG) and Majorana particles at the same time. In principle, the wave equations considered to describe such first-quantized particles are the standard 1D KFG equation and/or the 1D Feshbach-Villars (FV) equation, each with a real Lorentz scalar potential and some kind of Majorana condition. The aim of this paper is to analyze the latter assumption fully and systematically; additionally, we introduce specific equations and boundary conditions to characterize these particles when they lie within an interval (or on a line with a tiny hole at a point). In fact, we write first-order equations in the time derivative that do not have a Hamiltonian form. We may refer to these equations as first-order 1D Majorana equations for 1D KFGM particles. Moreover, each of them leads to a second-order equation in time that becomes the standard 1D KFG equation when the scalar potential is independent of time. Additionally, we examine the nonrelativistic limit of one of the first-order 1D Majorana equations.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Binary Quantum Random Number Generator Based on Value Indefinite Observables. (arXiv:2312.10973v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

All quantum random number generators based on measuring value indefinite observables are at least three-dimensional because the Kochen-Specker Theorem and the Located Kochen-Specker Theorem are false in dimension two. In this article, we construct a quantum random number generator based on measuring a three-dimensional value indefinite observable that generates binary quantum random outputs with the same randomness qualities as the ternary ones: its outputs are maximally unpredictable.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Single-photon generation at room temperature using molecular optomechanics in a hybrid photonic-plasmonic cavity. (arXiv:2312.10990v1 [physics.optics]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We propose a novel integrated structure for single photon generation at room temperature based on a molecular optomechanics system in a hybrid photonic-plasmonic cavity. The proposed structure comprises a single molecule within a plasmonic cavity, coupled to a 2D photonic crystal resonator. In this paper, we theoretically identify the ability of the scheme through calculation second order correlation function g^2 (0) for four different coupling regimes. We demonstrate the quantum paths and the destructive interference mechanism through the selection of efficient and preferred basis. Furthermore, we find that the unconventional photon blockade effects can occurs in the weak molecular optomechanics coupling. This structure holds the potential to serve as an integrated single-photon source for quantum networks at room temperature.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Resonator-qutrits quantum battery. (arXiv:2312.11006v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Quantum batteries (QBs) are energy storage and transfer microdevices that open up new possibilities in energy technology. Here, we derive a resonator-qutrits quantum battery (QB) model consisting of a multi-modes resonator and $N$ superconducting transmon qutrits. We investigate the charging and self-discharging performance of the QB and discuss the roles of quantum coherence and quantum entanglement. The results show that environment noise is not always detrimental for QB systems. The QB with efficient charging, stable energy-storage and slow self-discharging processes can be realized by considering the dephasing noise and manipulating the energy gap. We find that the charing energy is positively related to coherence and entanglement while the stable energy and the self-discharing energy are negatively related to coherence. The phenomenon of the vanishing entanglement corresponds to the dynamic decoupling behavior of the QB's steady states. Our results provide a way to realize many-body QBs on superconducting circuits platform.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coupled cluster method tailored with quantum computing. (arXiv:2312.11012v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Introducing an active space approximation is inevitable for the quantum computations of chemical systems. However, this approximation ignores the electron correlations related to non-active orbitals. Here, we propose a computational method for correcting quantum computing results using a well-established classical theory called coupled cluster theory. Our approach efficiently extracts the quantum state from a quantum device by computational basis tomography. The extracted expansion coefficients of the quantum state are embedded into the coupled cluster ansatz within the framework of the tailored coupled cluster method. We demonstrate the performance of our method by verifying the potential energy curves of LiH, H2O, and N2 with a correlation-energy correction scheme. Our method demonstrates reasonable potential energy curves even when the standard coupled cluster fails. The sufficient numbers of measurements for tomography were also investigated. Furthermore, this method successfully estimated the activation energy of the Cope rearrangement reaction of 1,5-hexadiene together with perturbative triples correction. These demonstrations suggest that our approach has the potential for practical quantum chemical calculations using quantum computers.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Power-Duality in Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics. (arXiv:2312.11033v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Power duality in Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics is investigated. The power duality transformation consists of a change in coordinate and time variables, an exchange of energy and coupling, and a classical angular momentum replacement. Two physical systems connected by the transformation form a power-dual pair. The propagator (Feynman's kernel) expressed by Feynman's path integral cannot be form-invariant under the transformation, whereas the promotor constructed by modifying Feynman's path integral is found form-invariant insofar as the angular momentum is classical. Upon angular quantization, the power duality breaks down. To save the notion of power duality, the idea of quasi power duality is proposed, which constitutes of an ad hoc angular momentum replacement. The power-dual invariant promotor leads to the quasi-dual invariant Green function. A formula is proposed, which determines the Green function for one of a dual pair by knowing the Green function for the other. As examples, the Coulomb-Hooke dual pair and a family of two-term confinement potentials for a zero-energy state are discussed.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Experimental 3D super-localization with Laguerre-Gaussian modes. (arXiv:2312.11044v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Improving three-dimensional (3D) localization precision is of paramount importance for super-resolution imaging. By properly engineering the point spread function (PSF), such as utilizing Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes and their superposition, the ultimate limits of 3D localization precision can be enhanced. However, achieving these limits is challenging, as it often involves complicated detection strategies and practical limitations. In this work, we rigorously derive the ultimate 3D localization limits of LG modes and their superposition, specifically rotation modes, in the multi-parameter estimation framework. Our findings reveal that a significant portion of the information required for achieving 3D super-localization of LG modes can be obtained through feasible intensity detection. Moreover, the 3D ultimate precision can be achieved when the azimuthal index $l$ is zero. To provide a proof-of-principle demonstration, we develop an iterative maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) algorithm that converges to the 3D position of a point source, considering the pixelation and detector noise. The experimental implementation exhibits an improvement of up to two-fold in lateral localization precision and up to twenty-fold in axial localization precision when using LG modes compared to Gaussian mode. We also showcase the superior axial localization capability of the rotation mode within the near-focus region, effectively overcoming the limitations encountered by single LG modes. Notably, in the presence of realistic aberration, the algorithm robustly achieves the Cram\'{e}r-Rao lower bound. Our findings provide valuable insights for evaluating and optimizing the achievable 3D localization precision, which will facilitate the advancements in super-resolution microscopy.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Limits for coherent optical control of quantum emitters in layered materials. (arXiv:2312.11090v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

The coherent control of a two-level system is among the most essential challenges in modern quantum optics. Understanding its fundamental limitations is crucial, also for the realization of next generation quantum devices. The quantum coherence of a two level system is fragile in particular, when the two levels are connected via an optical transition. When such quantum emitters are located in solids the coherence suffers from the interaction of the optical transition with the solid state environment, which requires the sample to be cooled to temperatures of a few Kelvin or below. Here, we use a mechanically isolated quantum emitter in hexagonal boron nitride to explore the individual mechanisms which affect the coherence of an optical transition under resonant drive. We operate the system at the threshold where the mechanical isolation collapses in order to study the onset and temperature-dependence of dephasing and independently of spectral diffusion. The new insights on the underlying physical decoherence mechanisms reveals a limit in temperature until which coherent driving of the system is possible. This study enables to increase the operation temperature of quantum devices, therefore reducing the need for cryogenic cooling.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Analytical and numerical calculation of the effect of edge states of the Kane-Mele model on the RKKY interaction. (arXiv:2312.11100v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

In this paper, we investigate the Kane-Mele model and endeavor to demonstrate, through analytical calculations, how the presence of topological edge states influences the RKKY interaction. We illustrate that the effect diminishes as one moves away from the edges. To facilitate our analytical approach, we initially utilize a one-dimensional wire exhibiting linear dispersion for each spin as an approximation to the Kane-Mele model. We examine its impact on the RKKY interaction. Subsequently, we establish a correspondence between the edge states of the Kane-Mele model and a one-dimensional quantum wire model, wherein the coupling strength diminishes with increasing distance from the edges. Finally, we compare the analytical results with numerical findings obtained using the Landauer-Buttiker formulation.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Coupling light to an atomic tweezer array in a cavity. (arXiv:2312.11104v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We consider the coupling of light, via an optical cavity, to two-dimensional atomic arrays whose lattice spacing exceeds the wavelength of the light. Such 'superwavelength' spacing is typical of optical tweezer arrays. While subwavelength arrays exhibit strong atom-photon coupling, characterized by high optical reflectivity in free space, the coupling efficiency of superwavelength arrays is reduced due to collective scattering losses to high diffraction orders. We show that a moderate-finesse cavity overcomes these losses. As the scattering losses peak at certain discrete values of the lattice spacing, the spacing can be optimized to achieve efficient atom-photon coupling in the cavity. Our cavity-QED theory properly accounts for collective dipolar interactions mediated by the lossy, non-cavity-confined photon modes and for finite-size effects of both the array and the light field. These findings pave the way to harnessing the versatility of tweezer arrays for efficient atom-photon interfaces in applications of quantum computing, networking, and nonlinear optics.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Harnessing Inherent Noises for Privacy Preservation in Quantum Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.11126v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Quantum computing revolutionizes the way of solving complex problems and handling vast datasets, which shows great potential to accelerate the machine learning process. However, data leakage in quantum machine learning (QML) may present privacy risks. Although differential privacy (DP), which protects privacy through the injection of artificial noise, is a well-established approach, its application in the QML domain remains under-explored. In this paper, we propose to harness inherent quantum noises to protect data privacy in QML. Especially, considering the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices, we leverage the unavoidable shot noise and incoherent noise in quantum computing to preserve the privacy of QML models for binary classification. We mathematically analyze that the gradient of quantum circuit parameters in QML satisfies a Gaussian distribution, and derive the upper and lower bounds on its variance, which can potentially provide the DP guarantee. Through simulations, we show that a target privacy protection level can be achieved by running the quantum circuit a different number of times.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The Gell-Mann feature map of qutrits and its applications in classification tasks. (arXiv:2312.11150v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Recent advancements in quantum hardware have enabled the realization of high-dimensional quantum states. This work investigates the potential of qutrits in quantum machine learning, leveraging their larger state space for enhanced supervised learning tasks. To that end, the Gell-Mann feature map is introduced which encodes information within an $8$-dimensional Hilbert space. The study focuses on classification problems, comparing Gell-Mann feature map with maps generated by established qubit and classical models. We test different circuit architectures and explore possibilities in optimization techniques. By shedding light on the capabilities and limitations of qutrit-based systems, this research aims to advance applications of low-depth quantum circuits.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Extracting topological orders of generalized Pauli stabilizer codes in two dimensions. (arXiv:2312.11170v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for extracting topological data from translation invariant generalized Pauli stabilizer codes in two-dimensional systems, focusing on the analysis of anyon excitations and string operators. The algorithm applies to $\mathbb{Z}_d$ qudits, including instances where $d$ is a nonprime number. This capability allows the identification of topological orders that may differ from $\mathbb{Z}_d$ toric codes, thereby extending the scope beyond the established theorem that Pauli stabilizer codes of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ qudits (with $p$ being a prime) are equivalent to finite copies of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ toric codes and trivial stabilizers. The algorithm is designed to determine all anyons and their string operators, enabling the computation of their fusion rules, topological spins, and braiding statistics. The method converts the identification of topological orders into computational tasks, including Gaussian elimination, the Hermite normal form, and the Smith normal form of truncated Laurent polynomials. Furthermore, the algorithm provides a systematic approach for studying quantum error-correcting codes. We apply it to various codes, such as self-dual CSS quantum codes modified from the color code and non-CSS quantum codes that contain the double semion topological order or the six-semion topological order.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Detecting Quantum Anomalies in Open Systems. (arXiv:2312.11188v1 [cond-mat.str-el]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Symmetries and quantum anomalies serve as powerful tools for constraining complicated quantum many-body systems, offering valuable insights into low-energy characteristics based on their ultraviolet structure. Nevertheless, their applicability has traditionally been confined to closed quantum systems, rendering them largely unexplored for open quantum systems described by density matrices. In this work, we introduce a novel and experimentally feasible approach to detect quantum anomalies in open systems. Specifically, we claim that, when coupled with an external environment, the mixed 't Hooft anomaly between spin rotation symmetry and lattice translation symmetry gives distinctive characteristics for half-integer and integer spin chains in measurements of $\exp(\rm{i}\theta S^z_{\rm tot})$ as a function of $\theta$. Notably, the half-integer spin chain manifests a topological phenomenon akin to the ``level crossing" observed in closed systems. To substantiate our assertion, we develop a lattice-level spacetime rotation to analyze the aforementioned measurements. Based on the matrix product density operator and transfer matrix formalism, we analytically establish and numerically demonstrate the unavoidable singular behavior of $\exp(\rm{i}\theta S^z_{\rm tot})$ for half-integer spin chains. Conceptually, our work demonstrates a way to discuss notions like ``spectral flow'' and ``flux threading'' in open systems not necessarily with a Hamiltonian.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Distinguishing Quantum Phases through Cusps in Full Counting Statistics. (arXiv:2312.11191v1 [cond-mat.quant-gas]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Measuring physical observables requires averaging experimental outcomes over numerous identical measurements. The complete distribution function of possible outcomes or its Fourier transform, known as the full counting statistics, provides a more detailed description. This method captures the fundamental quantum fluctuations in many-body systems and has gained significant attention in quantum transport research. In this letter, we propose that cusp singularities in the full counting statistics are a novel tool for distinguishing between ordered and disordered phases. As a specific example, we focus on the superfluid-to-Mott transition in the Bose-Hubbard model and introduce $Z_A(\alpha)=\langle \exp({i\alpha \sum_{i\in A}(\hat{n}_i}-\overline{n}))\rangle $ with $\overline{n}=\langle n_i \rangle$. Through both analytical analysis and numerical simulations, we demonstrate that $\partial_\alpha \log Z_A(\alpha)$ exhibits a discontinuity near $\alpha=\pi$ in the superfluid phase when the subsystem size is sufficiently large, while it remains smooth in the Mott phase. This discontinuity can be interpreted as a first-order transition between different semi-classical configurations of vortices. We anticipate that our discoveries can be readily tested using state-of-the-art ultracold atom and superconducting qubit platforms.

Categories: Journals, Physics

QDA$^2$: A principled approach to automatically annotating charge stability diagrams. (arXiv:2312.11206v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

Gate-defined semiconductor quantum dot (QD) arrays are a promising platform for quantum computing. However, presently, the large configuration spaces and inherent noise make tuning of QD devices a nontrivial task and with the increasing number of QD qubits, the human-driven experimental control becomes unfeasible. Recently, researchers working with QD systems have begun putting considerable effort into automating device control, with a particular focus on machine-learning-driven methods. Yet, the reported performance statistics vary substantially in both the meaning and the type of devices used for testing. While systematic benchmarking of the proposed tuning methods is necessary for developing reliable and scalable tuning approaches, the lack of openly available standardized datasets of experimental data makes such testing impossible. The QD auto-annotator -- a classical algorithm for automatic interpretation and labeling of experimentally acquired data -- is a critical step toward rectifying this. QD auto-annotator leverages the principles of geometry to produce state labels for experimental double-QD charge stability diagrams and is a first step towards building a large public repository of labeled QD data.

Categories: Journals, Physics

The effect of vacancy induced localized states on thermoelectric properties of armchair bilayer phosphorene nanoribbons. (arXiv:2312.11216v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Tue, 2023-12-19 16:45

We consider an armchair bilayer phosphorene that is connected to two hot and cold leads from both sides and study the thermoelectric properties of such a system with periodic vacancies at the middle of nanoribbon and in the armchair direction. For this purpose, we first analytically show that by creating a vacancy, a localized state is generated around it. Then we demonstrate that in the presence periodic vacancies, a new energy band will be formed in the energy bandstructure, and by changing the distance between the vacancies, the width of the transmission channel and finally the electric power and thermoelectric efficiency can be tuned.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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