
Robust and Parallel Control of Many Qubits. (arXiv:2312.08426v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

The rapid growth in size of quantum devices demands efficient ways to control them, which is challenging for systems with thousands of qubits or more. Here, we present a simple yet powerful solution: robust, site-dependent control of an arbitrary number of qubits in parallel with only minimal local tunability of the driving field. Inspired by recent experimental advances, we consider access to only one of three constrained local control capabilities: local control of either the phase or amplitude of the beam at each qubit, or individual Z rotations. In each case, we devise parallelizable composite pulse sequences to realize arbitrary single-qubit unitaries robust against quasistatic amplitude and frequency fluctuations. Numerical demonstration shows that our approach outperforms existing sequences such as BB1 and CORPSE in almost all regimes considered, achieving average fidelity $>0.999$ under a decoherence rate $\sim 10^{-5}$, even with a few percent amplitude and frequency error. Our results indicate that even for very large qubit ensembles, accurate, individual manipulation can be achieved despite substantial control inhomogeneity.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Transition of Anticoncentration in Gaussian Boson Sampling. (arXiv:2312.08433v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Gaussian Boson Sampling is a promising method for experimental demonstrations of quantum advantage because it is easier to implement than other comparable schemes. While most of the properties of Gaussian Boson Sampling are understood to the same degree as for these other schemes, we understand relatively little about the statistical properties of its output distribution. The most relevant statistical property, from the perspective of demonstrating quantum advantage, is the anticoncentration of the output distribution as measured by its second moment. The degree of anticoncentration features in arguments for the complexity-theoretic hardness of Gaussian Boson Sampling, and it is also important to know when using cross-entropy benchmarking to verify experimental performance. In this work, we develop a graph-theoretic framework for analyzing the moments of the Gaussian Boson Sampling distribution. Using this framework, we show that Gaussian Boson Sampling undergoes a transition in anticoncentration as a function of the number of modes that are initially squeezed compared to the number of photons measured at the end of the circuit. When the number of initially squeezed modes scales sufficiently slowly with the number of photons, there is a lack of anticoncentration. However, if the number of initially squeezed modes scales quickly enough, the output probabilities anticoncentrate weakly.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Entanglement spectrum of matchgate circuits with universal and non-universal resources. (arXiv:2312.08447v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

The entanglement level statistics of a quantum state have recently been proposed to be a signature of universality in the underlying quantum circuit. This is a consequence of level repulsion in the entanglement spectra being tied to the integrability of entanglement generated. However, such studies of the level-spacing statistics in the entanglement spectrum have thus far been limited to the output states of Clifford and Haar random circuits on product state inputs. In this work, we provide the first example of a circuit which is composed of a simulable gate set, yet has a Wigner-Dyson distributed entanglement level spectrum without any perturbing universal element. We first show that, for matchgate circuits acting on random product states, Wigner-Dyson statistics emerge by virtue of a single SWAP gate, in direct analog to previous studies on Clifford circuits. We then examine the entanglement spectrum of matchgate circuits with varied input states, and find a sharp jump in the complexity of entanglement as we go from two- to three-qubit entangled inputs. Studying Clifford and matchgate hybrid circuits, we find examples of classically simulable circuits whose output states exhibit Wigner-Dyson entanglement level statistics in the absence of universal quantum gate elements. Our study thus provides strong evidence that entanglement spectrum is not strongly connected to notions of simulability in any given quantum circuit.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Unifying non-Markovian characterisation with an efficient and self-consistent framework. (arXiv:2312.08454v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Noise on quantum devices is much more complex than it is commonly given credit. Far from usual models of decoherence, nearly all quantum devices are plagued both by a continuum of environments and temporal instabilities. These induce noisy quantum and classical correlations at the level of the circuit. The relevant spatiotemporal effects are difficult enough to understand, let alone combat. There is presently a lack of either scalable or complete methods to address the phenomena responsible for scrambling and loss of quantum information. Here, we make deep strides to remedy this problem. We establish a theoretical framework that uniformly incorporates and classifies all non-Markovian phenomena. Our framework is universal, assumes unknown control, and is written entirely in terms of experimentally accessible circuit-level quantities. We formulate an efficient reconstruction using tensor network learning, allowing also for easy modularisation and simplification based on the expected physics of the system. This is then demonstrated through both extensive numerical studies and experiments on IBM Quantum devices, estimating a comprehensive set of spacetime correlations. Finally, we conclude our analysis with applications thereof to the efficacy of control techniques to counteract these effects -- including noise-aware circuit compilation and optimised dynamical decoupling. We find significant improvements are possible in the diamond norm and average gate fidelity of arbitrary $SU(4)$ operations, as well as related decoupling improvements in contrast to off-the-shelf schemes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Fracton models from product codes. (arXiv:2312.08462v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

We explore a deep connection between fracton order and product codes. In particular, we propose and analyze conditions on classical seed codes which lead to fracton order in the resulting quantum product codes. Depending on the properties of the input codes, product codes can realize either Type-I or Type-II fracton models, in both nonlocal and local constructions. For the nonlocal case, we show that a recently proposed model of lineons on an irregular graph can be obtained as a hypergraph product code. Interestingly, constrained mobility in this model arises only from glassiness associated with the graph. For the local case, we introduce a novel type of classical LDPC code defined on a planar aperiodic tiling. By considering the specific example of the pinwheel tiling, we demonstrate the systematic construction of local Type-I and Type-II fracton models as product codes. Our work establishes product codes as a natural setting for exploring fracton order.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth $k$. (arXiv:2312.08474v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

We introduce a new class of entangled subspaces -- completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth $k$ ($k$-CESs). These are subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces containing only pure states with the entanglement depth at least $k$. We present an efficient construction of $k$-CESs of any achievable dimensionality in any multipartite scenario. Further, we discuss the relation between these subspaces and unextendible product bases (UPBs). In particular, we establish that there is a non-trivial bound on the cardinality of a UPB whose orthocomplement is a $k$-CES. Further, we discuss existence of such UPBs for qubit systems.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Leveraging commuting groups for an efficient variational Hamiltonian ansatz. (arXiv:2312.08502v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Efficiently calculating the low-lying eigenvalues of Hamiltonians, written as sums of Pauli operators, is a fundamental challenge in quantum computing. While various methods have been proposed to reduce the complexity of quantum circuits for this task, there remains room for further improvement. In this article, we introduce a new circuit design using commuting groups within the Hamiltonian to further reduce the circuit complexity of Hamiltonian-based quantum circuits. Our approach involves partitioning the Pauli operators into mutually commuting clusters and finding Clifford unitaries that diagonalize each cluster. We then design an ansatz that uses these Clifford unitaries for efficient switching between the clusters, complemented by a layer of parameterized single qubit rotations for each individual cluster. By conducting numerical simulations, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in accurately determining the ground state energy of different quantum chemistry Hamiltonians. Our results highlight the applicability and potential of our approach for designing problem-inspired ansatz for various quantum computing applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Theory of quantum super impulses. (arXiv:2312.08569v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

A quantum impulse is a brief but strong perturbation that produces a sudden change in a wavefunction $\psi(x)$. We develop a theory of quantum impulses, distinguishing between ordinary and super impulses. An ordinary impulse paints a phase onto $\psi$, while a super impulse -- the main focus of this paper -- deforms the wavefunction under an invertible map, $\mu: x -> x'$. Borrowing tools from optimal mass transport theory and shortcuts to adiabaticity, we show how to design a super impulse that deforms a wavefunction under a desired map $\mu$, and we illustrate our results using solvable examples. We point out a strong connection between quantum and classical super impulses, expressed in terms of the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. We briefly discuss hybrid impulses, in which ordinary and super impulses are applied simultaneously. While our central results are derived for evolution under the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, they apply equally well to the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and thus may be relevant for the manipulation of Bose-Einstein condensates.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Making the zeroth-order process fidelity independent of state preparation and measurement errors. (arXiv:2312.08590v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

A protocol called zero-fidelity was recently proposed as an approximation to the process fidelity. It can be understood as the zeroth-order process fidelity. It remedies problems of the process fidelity such as complex experimental settings and long running times. However, like the process fidelity, zero-fidelity is also not robust to state preparation and measurement (SPAM) errors. This limits both protocols' usefulness for real devices. Here, we investigate how SPAM errors affect the zero-fidelity for two operation channels: one channel containing controlled-NOT gates and the other containing controlled-Z gates. Then, we compare these two channels by checking the difference in the zero-fidelities between them. Finally, to make the zero-fidelity protocol independent of SPAM errors, we combine it with the randomized benchmarking (RB) protocol.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Confinement and Kink Entanglement Asymmetry on a Quantum Ising Chain. (arXiv:2312.08601v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

In this work, we explore the interplay of confinement, string breaking and entanglement asymmetry on a 1D quantum Ising chain. We consider the evolution of an initial domain wall and show that, surprisingly, while the introduction of confinement through a longitudinal field typically suppresses entanglement, it can also serve to increase it beyond a bound set for free particles. Our model can be tuned to conserve the number of domain walls, which gives an opportunity to explore entanglement asymmetry associated with link variables. We study two approaches to deal with the non-locality of the link variables, either directly or following a Kramers-Wannier transformation that maps bond variables (kinks) to site variables (spins). We develop a numerical procedure for computing the asymmetry using tensor network methods and use it to demonstrate the different types of entanglement and entanglement asymmetry.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Measuring entanglement entropy and its topological signature for phononic systems. (arXiv:2312.08632v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Entanglement entropy is a fundamental concept with rising importance in different fields ranging from quantum information science, black holes to materials science. In complex materials and systems, entanglement entropy provides insight into the collective degrees of freedom that underlie the systems' complex behaviours. As well-known predictions, the entanglement entropy exhibits area laws for systems with gapped excitations, whereas it follows the Gioev-Klich-Widom scaling law in gapless fermion systems. Furthermore, the entanglement spectrum provides salient characterizations of topological phases and phase transitions beyond the conventional paradigms. However, many of these fundamental predictions have not yet been confirmed in experiments due to the difficulties in measuring entanglement entropy in physical systems. Here, we report the experimental verification of the above predictions by probing the nonlocal correlations in phononic systems. From the pump-probe responses in phononic crystals, we obtain the entanglement entropy and entanglement spectrum for phononic systems with the fermion filling analog. With these measurements, we verify the Gioev-Klich-Widom scaling law of entanglement entropy for various quasiparticle dispersions in one- and two-dimensions. Moreover, we observe the salient signatures of topological phases in the entanglement spectrum and entanglement entropy which unveil an unprecedented probe of topological phases without relying on the bulk-boundary correspondence. The progress here opens a frontier where entanglement entropy serves as an important experimental tool in the study of emergent phases and phase transitions which can be generalized to non-Hermitian and other unconventional regimes.

Categories: Journals, Physics

A Rydberg-atom approach to the integer factorization problem. (arXiv:2312.08703v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

The task of factoring integers poses a significant challenge in modern cryptography, and quantum computing holds the potential to efficiently address this problem compared to classical algorithms. Thus, it is crucial to develop quantum computing algorithms to address this problem. This study introduces a quantum approach that utilizes Rydberg atoms to tackle the factorization problem. Experimental demonstrations are conducted for the factorization of small composite numbers such as $6 = 2 \times 3$, $15 = 3 \times 5$, and $35 = 5 \times 7$. This approach involves employing Rydberg-atom graphs to algorithmically program binary multiplication tables, yielding many-body ground states that represent superpositions of factoring solutions. Subsequently, these states are probed using quantum adiabatic computing. Limitations of this method are discussed, specifically addressing the scalability of current Rydberg quantum computing for the intricate computational problem.

Categories: Journals, Physics

All-to-all reconfigurability with sparse Ising machines: the XORSAT challenge with p-bits. (arXiv:2312.08748v1 [cs.DC]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Domain-specific hardware to solve computationally hard optimization problems has generated tremendous excitement recently. Here, we evaluate probabilistic bit (p-bit) based Ising Machines (IM), or p-computers with a benchmark combinatorial optimization problem, namely the 3-regular 3-XOR Satisfiability (3R3X). The 3R3X problem has a glassy energy landscape and it has recently been used to benchmark various IMs and other solvers. We introduce a multiplexed architecture where p-computers emulate all-to-all (complete) graph functionality despite being interconnected in highly sparse networks, enabling highly parallelized Gibbs sampling. We implement this architecture in FPGAs and show that p-bit networks running an adaptive version of the powerful parallel tempering algorithm demonstrate competitive algorithmic and prefactor advantages over alternative IMs by D-Wave, Toshiba and others. Scaled magnetic nanodevice-based realizations of p-computers could lead to orders-of-magnitude further improvement according to experimentally established projections.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Tomographic entanglement indicators in a coupled oscillator model. (arXiv:2312.08750v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

We study entanglement in a simple model comprising two coupled linear harmonic oscillators of the same natural frequency. The system is separable in the center of mass (COM) and relative coordinates into two oscillators of frequency $\omega_c$ and $\omega_r$. We compute standard entanglement measures (subsystem linear entropy and subsystem von Neumann entropy) as well as several tomographic entanglement indicators (Bhattacharyya distance, Kullback-Leibler divergence and inverse participation ratio) as functions of the frequency ratio $\eta = \omega_c/\omega_r$, keeping the COM oscillator in the ground state. We demonstrate that, overall, the entanglement indicators reflect quite faithfully the variations in the standard measures. The entanglement is shown to be minimum at $\eta = 1$ and maximum as $\eta \to 0$ or $\infty$.

Categories: Journals, Physics

All genuinely entangled stabilizer subspaces are multipartite fully nonlocal. (arXiv:2312.08757v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Understanding the relationship between entanglement and Bell nonlocality is one of the long-lasting open problems in quantum physics which is important both from the fundamental and application points of view. In particular, while both entanglement and Bell nonlocality are key resources in quantum information, the latter appears to be a stronger one because it allows for information processing in the device-independent framework in which the players need not trust their devices. Thus, understanding which entangled states give rise to Bell nonlocality and thus are resourceful in this framework is an important and interesting task. Here we establish the equivalence between genuine entanglement and genuine nonlocal for a broad class of multipartite (pure and mixed) states originating from the stabilizer formalism. In fact, we demonstrate a much stronger result that any (mixed) stabilizer state defined on a genuinely entangled subspace is multipartite fully nonlocal meaning that it gives rise to correlations that have no contribution coming from local hidden variable models of any type. We thus also introduce the first examples of genuinely nonlocal subspaces in multiqubit Hilbert spaces in which every single pure state is genuinely nonlocal.

Categories: Journals, Physics

New circuits and an open source decoder for the color code. (arXiv:2312.08813v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

We present two new color code circuits: one inspired by superdense coding and the other based on a middle-out strategy where the color code state appears halfway between measurements. We also present ``Chromobius'', an open source implementation of the m\"obius color code decoder. Using Chromobius, we show our new circuits reduce the performance gap between color codes and surface codes. Under uniform depolarizing noise with a noise strength of $0.1\%$, the middle-out color code circuit achieves a teraquop footprint of 1250 qubits (vs 650 for surface codes decoded by correlated matching). Finally, we highlight that Chromobius decodes toric color codes better when given *less* information, suggesting there's substantial room for improvement in color code decoders.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Collective Strong Coupling Modifies Aggregation and Solvation. (arXiv:2312.08814v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Intermolecular interactions are pivotal for aggregation, solvation, and crystallization. We demonstrate that the collective strong coupling of several molecules to a single optical mode results in notable changes in the molecular excitations around an impurity, e.g., in the first aggregation or solvation shell. A competition between short-range Coulombic and long-range photonic correlation inverts the local transition density in a polaritonic state, suggesting notable changes in the polarizability of the solvation shell. Our results provide an alternative perspective on recent work in polaritonic chemistry and pave the way for the rigorous treatment of cooperative effects in aggregation, solvation, and crystallization.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Catch and release of propagating bosonic field with non-Markovian giant atom. (arXiv:2312.08832v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

The non-Markovianity of physical systems is considered to be a valuable resource that has potential applications to quantum information processing. The control of traveling quantum fields encoded with information (flying qubit) is crucial for quantum networks. In this work, we propose to catch and release the propagating photon/phonon with a non-Markovian giant atom, which is coupled to the environment via multiple coupling points. Based on the Heisenberg equation of motion for the giant atom and field operators, we calculate the time-dependent scattering coefficients from the linear response theory and define the criteria for the non-Markovian giant atom. We analyze and numerically verify that the field bound states due to non-Markovianity can be harnessed to catch and release the propagating bosonic field on demand by tuning the parameters of giant atom.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Roadmap on Nanoscale Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (arXiv:2312.08841v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

The field of nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging (NanoMRI) was started 30 years ago. It was motivated by the desire to image single molecules and molecular assemblies, such as proteins and virus particles, with near-atomic spatial resolution and on a length scale of 100 nm. Over the years, the NanoMRI field has also expanded to include the goal of useful high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of molecules under ambient conditions, including samples up to the micron-scale. The realization of these goals requires the development of spin detection techniques that are many orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional NMR and MRI, capable of detecting and controlling nanoscale ensembles of spins. Over the years, a number of different technical approaches to NanoMRI have emerged, each possessing a distinct set of capabilities for basic and applied areas of science. The goal of this roadmap article is to report the current state of the art in NanoMRI technologies, outline the areas where they are poised to have impact, identify the challenges that lie ahead, and propose methods to meet these challenges. This roadmap also shows how developments in NanoMRI techniques can lead to breakthroughs in emerging quantum science and technology applications.

Categories: Journals, Physics

Block encoding of matrix product operators. (arXiv:2312.08861v1 [quant-ph]) Quantum Physics - Fri, 2023-12-15 12:45

Quantum signal processing combined with quantum eigenvalue transformation has recently emerged as a unifying framework for several quantum algorithms. In its standard form, it consists of two separate routines: block encoding, which encodes a Hamiltonian in a larger unitary, and signal processing, which achieves an almost arbitrary polynomial transformation of such a Hamiltonian using rotation gates. The bottleneck of the entire operation is typically constituted by block encoding and, in recent years, several problem-specific techniques have been introduced to overcome this problem. Within this framework, we present a procedure to block-encode a Hamiltonian based on its matrix product operator (MPO) representation. More specifically, we encode every MPO tensor in a larger unitary of dimension $D+2$, where $D = \lceil\log(\chi)\rceil$ is the number of subsequently contracted qubits that scales logarithmically with the virtual bond dimension $\chi$. Given any system of size $L$, our method requires $L+D$ ancillary qubits in total, while the computational cost for the decomposition of the block encoding circuit into one- and two-qubit gates scales as $\mathcal{O}(L\cdot\chi^2)$.

Categories: Journals, Physics
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