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Format: 2024-09-17
2015-12-14 01:39

The Physics World 2015 Breakthrough of the Year goes to Jian-Wei Pan and Chaoyang Lu of the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, for being the first to achieve the simultaneous quantum teleportation of two inherent properties of a fundamental particle – the photon.

2015-12-09 11:08

Troyer, Zintchenko and Brown (ETH Zurich) summary on recent developments in quantum annealing.

2015-12-03 10:21

QuSoft, the first research center dedicated to quantum software, has been launched. It is a joint initiative of CWI, UvA and VU, located at Amsterdam Science Park. QuSoft complements QuTech, strengthening the position of the the Netherlands in world-class quantum information research.

2015-09-27 18:18

Physicists in the UK have shown how to defend a quantum cryptographic system against Trojan-horse attacks.

2015-09-27 18:04

Quantum superpositions seem to be a key ingredient in photosynthesis.

2015-09-07 05:19

American chip manufacturer Intel and QuTech, the quantum institute of TU Delft and TNO, have finalised plans for a ten-year intensive collaboration.

2015-09-03 18:53

The first measurement of the violation of Bell's inequality free of the detection and locality/communication loopholes has been claimed by physicists in the Netherlands, Spain and the UK.

2015-07-27 00:39

Fragile photon states useful for quantum communication can be faithfully transmitted and distinguished over a link between an orbiting satellite and a telescope on Earth.

2015-07-16 10:27

The report of the workshop on Quantum Technologies and Industry was held in Brussels on 6 May 2015 has been published

2015-06-22 02:34

Congratulations to Professor Alexander S. Holevo from Stekhlov Mathematical Institute in Moscow (Russia) who was selected to be awarded the prestiguous Claude E. Shannon Award 2016.

2015-06-22 02:25

We are ahppy to anounce that this year's winner of QIPC Young Investigator Award is Oriol Romero Isart from University of Innsbruck (

2015-05-31 21:28

Generation of a squeezed state of an oscillator by stroboscopic back-action-evading measurement by  G. Vasilakis, H. Shen, K. Jensen, M. Balabas, D. Salart, B. Chen & E. S. Polzik in Nature Physics (2015)

2015-03-12 14:21

A  conversation with Nobel Laureate Konstantin Novoselov and quantum computing expert Robert Schoelkopf on the materials and technology of future electronics (video inside).

2015-03-10 12:48

The aim of this topical issue is to support future funding schemes at both the national and international levels. For more information see the announcement (pdf).

2015-02-19 11:59

Nominations for the QIPC Young Investigator Award 2015 are now open.

2015-02-10 17:52

Within the H2020 Work Programme 2014-15, the FET Proactive call, Emerging themes and communities, had 3 initiatives: Global Systems Science; Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving; and Quantum simulation (Q-SIM). 5 Q-SIM-initiative projects were selected for funding.

2015-01-19 14:50

The opening ceremony takes place on Jan 19 - 20, 2015, featuring a talk by Serge Haroche.

2015-01-19 14:31

Lars Becker-Larsen's documentary ’Taming the Quantum World’ has been awarded a Jury Special Award at the European Science TV & New Media Festival in Lisbon.

2014-10-10 19:00
2014-09-04 11:44

Quantum Communication Award 2014 awarded to Nicolas Gisin (Geneva) and to Reinhard Werner (Hannover).

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