EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, makes positive remarks about Quantum Technologies and talk about what will be the next steps in Europe for the QT.
In a recent post on his blog, EC vice-president and Commissioner for the Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip, expresses his hopes and vision for the Quantum Technologies. Besides mentioning several of the possible applications in the Flagship’s four pillars (Communication, Computation, Simulation and Metrology and Sensing), he illustrates what in his view are the next steps that Europe needs to take in order to get ahead in the race: “[..] while Europe has many world-class scientists in this field,” he writes “there is so far little industrial take-up or commercial exploitation here. We need to raise our own involvement, backed by a solid political and financial commitment.”
He concludes pointing out that there is also a need for a coherent pan-European strategy, with the QT Flagship representing a positive step forward.