Latest QIPC News

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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
2011-03-09 15:26

A call for nominations for the QIPC Young Investigator Award 2011 has been published.

2011-02-23 11:17

Lecce, Italy, September 20-22, 2011

2011-02-03 16:46

The web site for the QIPC 2011 conference in Zuerich is now available.

2011-02-01 11:18

Contributions are invited for the special issue on “Trapped Ions” in Applied Physics B – Lasers and Optics.

2010-12-17 13:17

Science Magazine has named "The First Quantum Machine" the "Breakthrough of the Year".

2010-11-27 23:18

PicoQuant GmbH and the Department of Physics - Nanooptics of Humboldt University have started a high bit rate quantum random number generator service delivering truly random numbers over the internet.

2010-11-19 09:46

Tiny disc enables one laser to control the propagation of another

2010-10-27 10:25

The 2011 QIPC conference will take place Sep 5 - 9, 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.

2010-10-20 14:29

Some members of the group met from 25/11 to 26/11/2010 in Zurich to discuss non-Abelian holonomies. This resulted in a theoretical publication and ongoing experimental effort to measure an holonomy.

2010-10-12 10:06

Request for Nominations for the John-Stewart Bell Prize 2011

2010-10-08 08:28

Researchers unveil rival to optical tweezers

2010-10-08 08:23

Self-contained chiller can be built from just a few atoms

2010-09-09 16:43

The CHIST-ERA project has published its first call. See details at the Call Announcement.

2010-08-20 11:29

Researchers locate individual particles in an optical lattice

2010-08-09 20:08

Announcing the call for FET Flagship Pilots in the Commission ICT Work-Programme 2011-2012

2010-08-09 19:44

Announcing FET-Open Objective ICT-2011.9.4: International cooperation on FET research

2010-08-09 18:03

The new ICT Work Programme 2011-2012 has been published, featuring QIPC as a FET Proactive Objective.

2010-08-09 14:32

HP Labs' researcher Vinay Deolalikar claims to have solved the problem. His answer is that the two classes do not coincide: P is a proper subset of NP.

2010-06-28 12:23

Q-ESSENCE support of mobilities and scientific meetings.

2010-06-28 10:41

University of Ulm is a coorganizer of the 3rd International Summer School of the SFB/TRR21 "Control of Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter", Heinrich-Fabri-Haus, Blaubeuren, October 3rd-5th 2010. 

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