QIPC projects @ First FET Proactive, Horizon 2020 Framework Programme


Within the H2020 Work Programme 2014-15, the FET Proactive call, Emerging themes and communities, had 3 initiatives: Global Systems Science; Knowing, doing and being: cognition beyond problem solving; and Quantum simulation (Q-SIM). 5 Q-SIM-initiative projects were selected for funding.

In the Work Programme 2014-2015, FET Proactive consists of 3 initiatives under the "Emerging themes and communities" call, and for a fourth one, under the dedicated "Towards exascale high-performance computing" call, implementing part of the HPC strategy elaborated in the context of the HPC Public-Private Partnership by ETP4HPC.

Emerging Themes and Communities

Following a public consultation during 2012-2013, 'Quantum simulation' was one of the three topics that have been selected for inclusion in the 2014-15 work programme.

Information about projects receiving funding can be found here: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/first-fet-proactive-projects-under-horizon-2020-framework-programme.