How to apply

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The deadline for applications is 20 of November 2011

  • Applicants from the AQUTE network are required to send an application email and optionally the poster title to

donatella [dot] rosetti [at] uni-ulm [dot] de (subject: Apllication%20for%20the%20AQUTE%20winter%20school%202012) (donatella.rosetti(at)

  • Non-AQUTE applicants should send a pdf document containing a CV with a publications list, and recommendation letter(s) from their advisor (and/or other referees) and optionally the poster title to the email above. The selection of students will be carried out by the AQUTE Steering Committee; the total number of students is in any case limited to abo 80.

Please notice that

  • No travel expenses will be covered by the conference for students, while
  • lodging, breakfast and dinner at the conference site will be covered for all participants