AQUTE Winter School

AQUTE Winter School on Quantum Information Processing

6.-10. Feb. 2012, Obergurgl, Österreich  


Information society is based on technologies like the transistor, atomic clocks and laser applications. We are entering a second quantum revolution that will shape the technologies of the future, including computing, simulation, communication, precision measurements and sensing. Over the last ten years such quantum information technologies have already established most basic building blocks, unifying atomic, molecular, optical and condensed-matter physics. An international high-rank consortium of lecturers is collected to address students, early stage researchers, and postdocs in a series of tutorials.

Topics include:

  • Quantum Simulation
  • Quantum Processing
  • Hybrid Systems
  • Rydberg Excitations
  • Micromechanical Systems
  • Optical Lattices

Participants will be given the opportunity to present their results in poster sessions.

Poster-Obergurgl-2012.pdf2.21 MB