(36) | " (16) | ' (2) | ( (1) | - (1) | 0 (1) | 1 (43) | 2 (53) | 3 (25) | 4 (41) | 5 (12) | 6 (15) | 7 (12) | 8 (3) | 9 (2) | A (285) | B (92) | C (469) | D (240) | E (321) | F (178) | G (108) | H (117) | I (322) | J (50) | K (23) | L (153) | M (270) | N (166) | O (147) | P (913) | Q (911) | R (208) | S (509) | T (334) | U (100)
Titlesort icon Author Last update
Tunable dipolar resonances and Einstein-de Haas effect in a Rb-87 atoms condensate Giardini Tuesday, 2. April 2013 - 12:02
Tunable dipolar resonances and Einstein-de Haas effect in a Rb-87 atoms condensate rosetti Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Tunable gap flux qubit: new possibilities for coherent control and coupling. Optimal control for superconducting qubits with small anharmonicity. (invited talk), chenkun Saturday, 19. March 2011 - 15:29
Tunable two-dimensional arrays of single Rydberg atoms for realizing quantum Ising models marc.cheneau Wednesday, 19. April 2017 - 17:37
Tuning a Spin Bath through the Quantum-Classical Transition DRudolph Tuesday, 12. February 2013 - 13:40
Tuning heat transport in trapped-ion chains across a structural phase transition omarty Saturday, 25. January 2014 - 16:19
Tuning single GaAs quantum dots in resonance with a rubidium vapor DRudolph Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Tuning the Exciton Binding Energies in Single Self-Assembled InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots by Piezoelectric-Induced Biaxial Stress DRudolph Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Tunneling-Induced Restoration of the Degeneracy and the Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Optical Lattices dcavalcanti Tuesday, 3. March 2015 - 16:35
Twin atom beams rosetti Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Twisted photon entanglement through turbulent air across Vienna ltheussl Friday, 3. June 2016 - 15:21
Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher angular momentum states rosetti Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26
Two component Bose-Hubbard model with higher-angular-momentum states Giardini Tuesday, 2. April 2013 - 11:49
Two experimental PDRAs for entangled Sr clocks viv Monday, 5. November 2018 - 11:55
Two implementations of quantum error-correcting techniques web.admin Sunday, 5. April 2015 - 14:19
Two ITN Marie-Curie PhD positions in quantum communication PinoVallone Friday, 16. April 2021 - 12:05
Two open PhD positions in ITN European Project Marie Curie: Circuit and Cavity QED (CCQED) in Bilbao, Spain ltheussl Wednesday, 30. March 2011 - 13:17
Two PhD fellowships in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF) ltheussl Thursday, 22. November 2012 - 16:34
Two PhD positions in Experimental Quantum Networking with Atomic Ions Matthias Keller Wednesday, 20. April 2016 - 15:55
Two PhD positions in Quantum Nanophotonics gamote Tuesday, 23. January 2018 - 16:29
Two PhD Positions: Rydberg atomtronics zest Tuesday, 5. July 2022 - 7:50
Two PhD Positions: Quantum cryptography and quantum networks mcurty Saturday, 16. July 2022 - 18:17
Two Postdoc positions (condensed matter theory/quantum information) ltheussl Thursday, 22. November 2012 - 16:21
Two postdoc positions in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF) ltheussl Thursday, 22. November 2012 - 16:33
Two Postdoc Positions in Quantum Optics and Many-body Theory at Heidelberg University phauke Tuesday, 8. January 2019 - 18:44
Two postdocs on hybrid quantum-classical computation web.admin Friday, 24. April 2015 - 0:51
Two Postdoctoral Positions at Brunel University, London ltheussl Monday, 4. March 2013 - 17:25
Two Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental Quantum Information (Paris) laurat Thursday, 13. October 2011 - 21:46
Two postdoctoral positions on quantum causal structures at ULB oreshkov Friday, 5. October 2018 - 16:25
Two postoc positions web.admin Monday, 18. January 2016 - 16:57
Two posts: 1. Quantum dot spins in cavities and 2. Microstructured fibres for quantum information John Rarity Thursday, 22. November 2012 - 16:10
Two research positions in quantum physics and quantum optics kbanasz Thursday, 4. April 2013 - 10:35
Two significant experimental demonstrations of quantum teleportation web.admin Sunday, 5. April 2015 - 14:58
Two-body interactions and decay of three-level Rydberg-dressed atoms whitlock Monday, 7. March 2016 - 12:17
Two-dimensional lattice gauge theories with superconducting quantum circuits web.admin Sunday, 5. April 2015 - 15:11
Two-Dimensional quantum dynamics in a dc SQUID chenkun Thursday, 24. March 2011 - 1:26