Two posts: 1. Quantum dot spins in cavities and 2. Microstructured fibres for quantum information

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University of Bristol, UK
19 September, 2011


United Kingdom
51° 27' 16.2468" N, 2° 35' 16.476" W

In these two posts we are aiming to bolster our research into key quantum optics components for quantum information processing.   

One post will be offered as part of EU project “SSQN” (“The solid-state quantum network”).  We will be developing quantum dot spin memory devices for use in a novel quantum repeater protocol with our EU partners. This will involve experimental characterisation of dot-cavity structures using a novel resonant reflectivity probe [1] and the extension to charged dot systems where optical detection and optical control of single spins is being investigated.

The second post will be focussed on developing our fibre pair photon sources for quantum information and metrology [2]. This will involve developing new cluster state experiments, interfacing fibre sources with other non-classical sources for quantum repeater protocols and developing novel metrology exploiting the two-colour nature of the photon pairs.  

Ideally you will have specialist skills in some or all of the following areas: quantum dot physics, single photon and pair photon source development, non-linear waveguides, multi-photon interference, linear optics quantum information, single spin manipulation, cavity QED and other aspects of quantum information. General laboratory experience in lasers, waveguides, fibre optics, photon counting, interfacing equipment and data processing is also necessary. Normally we would appoint on a fixed term contract but longer term opportunities (fellowships and academic appointments) are possible for postdocs that are producing world class research.

In both cases you will be involved in the experimental realisation of the components, day-to-day supervision of PhD students and collaboration with our EU partners. These positions will have significant flexibility and opportunities to form collaborations across the group which includes: other non-linear waveguide technologies (eg silicon), integrated quantum photonics, quantum metrology, quantum simulation, nanoscale plasmonic structures, single NV centres in diamond, theory of spin-photon interfaces, modelling and fabrication of nanocavities. Other positions specific to these areas will be available in future.   

 The posts are based in the Departments of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Physics, you will work as a member of the Photonics group  in the area of optical quantum information, and as a member of the of theCentre for Quantum Photonics (CQP) which spans Physics and E&EE. As such we are a world-leading experimental group in quantum information and quantum communications. The group is active in several EU programmes and the group leaders (Profs Rarity and O’Brien) hold prestigious ERC individual grants. Areas being studied are: single photon sources and solid-state quantum memories from quantum dots and diamond, pair photon sources, multi-quantum interference, quantum communication, optical quantum logic and quantum optics in wavelength scale structures.

 [1] A.B. Young, R. Oulton, C.Y. Hu, A.C.T. Thijssen, C. Schneider, S.Reitzenstein, M. Kamp, S. Hoefling, L. Worschech, A. Forchel, and J.G. Rarity, Conditional phase shift from a quantum dot in a pillar microcavity, arXiv:1011.0384v1.

[2] J. Fulconis, O. Alibart, J. O’Brien, W. Wadsworth and J.G. Rarity, Nonclassical interference and entanglement generation using a photonic crystal fiber pair photon source, Phys. Rev. Letts. 99, 120501, 2007.

Salary: £29972 - £34745 (Grade I)

Apply at:

Contact for informal enquiries:


Dr. R. Oulton ruth [dot] oulton [at] bristol [dot] ac [dot] uk Tel. +44 (0)117 394 0020

Prof. J Rarity john [dot] rarity [at] bristol [dot] ac [dot] uk Tel. +44 (0)117 954 5646

Timescale of appointments:

Contract: Fixed Term Contract, 2 Years in the first instance (with potential to extend)

Closing date: Friday 19th September

Anticipated interview date: approx: late September 2011

Anticipated start: late 2011 early 2012


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