D-Wave Systems |
ltheussl |
Friday, 26. October 2012 - 13:35 |
D. Larrousserie, Des atomes réglés comme des horloges, Le Monde, 30 October 2017 |
marc.cheneau |
Thursday, 15. February 2018 - 15:11 |
DAMOP (Division of Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics) 2010, May 25 - 29, 2010, Houston, Texas, USA |
rosetti |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:09 |
DAMOP 2014 |
jpbrantut |
Thursday, 11. December 2014 - 13:32 |
Daniel Loss, Quantenphysiker an der Uni Basel erklärt den Quanten-Computer |
ltheussl |
Wednesday, 28. November 2012 - 14:28 |
ltheussl |
Monday, 28. January 2013 - 9:45 |
Dark entangled steady states of Rydberg interacting atoms |
Giardini |
Monday, 6. May 2013 - 15:46 |
Dark States of Cavity Coupled Qubits |
LHanschke |
Wednesday, 21. March 2012 - 11:19 |
Dark States of Single Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamond Unraveled by Single Shot NMR |
Wrachtrup |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26 |
Das Jahrzehnt der Meilensteine |
ltheussl |
Wednesday, 29. May 2013 - 10:24 |
Das Problem mit Schrödingers Katze |
ltheussl |
Wednesday, 28. November 2012 - 15:27 |
Das Quantenmännlein von Wien |
ltheussl |
Wednesday, 28. November 2012 - 15:24 |
David Deutsch video lectures |
ltheussl |
Tuesday, 8. January 2013 - 12:14 |
Daylight Free Space Quantum Communication using Continuous Polarization Variables, by B. Heim (MPL) |
qessence |
Tuesday, 1. March 2011 - 23:36 |
DCM 2013 |
pablo.arrighi@i... |
Wednesday, 24. April 2013 - 9:40 |
De Brun Centre |
gettrick |
Monday, 3. October 2016 - 13:15 |
De la mécanique quantique à échelle humaine |
ltheussl |
Wednesday, 28. November 2012 - 11:57 |
De wondere wereld van de quantum mechanica |
chenkun |
Tuesday, 12. April 2011 - 15:12 |
De wondere wereld van de quantum mechanica |
chenkun |
Tuesday, 12. April 2011 - 15:12 |
Decoherence in Adiabatic Quantum Evolution: Application to Cooper Pair Pumping |
ikamleit |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:23 |
Decoherence in adiabatic quantum evolution: application to Cooper pair pumping |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 24. March 2011 - 0:45 |
Decoherence Models for Discrete-Time Quantum Walks and their Application to Neutral Atom Experiments |
alt |
Tuesday, 19. May 2015 - 15:46 |
Decoherence of adiabatically steered quantum systems |
ikamleit |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:23 |
Decoherence of Majorana qubits by noisy gates |
LHanschke |
Tuesday, 19. November 2013 - 0:18 |
Decoherence Probe Microscopy |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 24. March 2011 - 0:42 |
Decoherence Probe Microscopy |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 24. March 2011 - 0:36 |
Deep Strong Coupling Regime of the Jaynes-Cummings Model |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26 |
Defect center room-temperature quantum processors |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26 |
DeIngenieur 124(7), p.13, 27.4.2012 |
Giardini |
Monday, 11. February 2013 - 9:39 |
Delayed entanglement echo for individual control of a large number of nuclear spins |
omarty |
Friday, 3. June 2016 - 13:12 |
Demonstrating a single photon router |
LHanschke |
Monday, 4. February 2013 - 12:59 |
Demonstrating quantum speed-up in a superconducting two-Transmon qubit processor with individual single-shot readout |
DRudolph |
Thursday, 14. February 2013 - 11:37 |
Demonstrating W-type entanglement of Dicke states in resonant cavity quantum electrodynamics |
LHanschke |
Monday, 18. November 2013 - 23:00 |
Demonstrating W-type entanglement of Dicke states in resonant cavity quantum electrodynamics |
DRudolph |
Monday, 11. February 2013 - 11:08 |
Demonstrating W-type entanglement of Dicke-states in resonant cavity quantum |
DRudolph |
Tuesday, 9. April 2013 - 14:18 |
Demonstration of a Single-Photon Router in the Microwave Regime |
LHanschke |
Thursday, 31. January 2013 - 13:26 |