Two postdoc positions in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF)

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University of Innsbruck and IQOQI, Austria
16 September, 2010


47° 16' 9.1632" N, 11° 24' 14.7672" E

Two PhD/Postdoc fellowships in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF).
As a successful applicant, you will work in the groups of Dr. Francesca Ferlaino and Dr. Florian Schreck.
We are seeking highly motivated students in pursuing experimental research in the field of laser cooling and quantum degenerate gases.

Specifically, we invite applications for PhD and postdoc positions to work on: (1) production and study of strongly dipolar quantum gases of erbium atoms (Ferlaino) and (2) quantum simulation with strontium atoms and production of strontium-rubidium ground-state molecules (Schreck).

Further details on both projects can be found on the group website (
All enquiries should be addressed to Francesca Ferlaino (email: francesca [dot] ferlaino [at] uibk [dot] ac [dot] at).

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