PhD in: Many-Body Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Low-Control Quantum Information Processing, UCL

UCL, London, UK
10 April, 2013

I am seeking a keen theorist to work as a PhD student at University College London (UCL) on "Many-Body Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Low-Control Quantum Information Processing". The studentship is funded by through the ERC project PACOMANEDIA (Partially Coherent Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Information Applications) and is for 4 years and should ideally start latest by Oct 2013. The student will be expected to be quite independent and will be co-supervised by a postdoctoral researcher working on the same project.

PhD Position in Topological Matter and Quantum Information

Institute for Theoretical Physics, UAM/CSIC
12 March, 2013

The Institute for Theoretical Physics UAM/CSIC, Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, opens PhD fellowships for exceptional candidates to carry out a PhD within the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Postgraduate Programme in Theoretical Physics. One field of research conducted at the IFT is dedicated to the investigation of quantum information processing using topological states of matter and to the quantum simulation of many-body quantum states with quantum optical systems.

PhD and Postdoc Positions in the newly granted EU STREP NANOQUESTFIT

Vienna, Austria/ Duisburg-Essen, Germany/ Tel Aviv, Israel/ Trieste, Italy/ Basel, Switzerland
31 March, 2013

We are launching the new interdisciplinary EC-funded ICT FET OPEN research program NANOQUESTFIT to explore the practical and fundamental

limits of the quantum superposition principle.

NANOQUESTFIT combines the expertise of the following research groups:  

PhD scholarships Griffith Universitys Centre for Quantum Dynamics

Nathan, Australia
29 April, 2013

The Centre for Quantum Dynamics undertakes experimental and theoretical studies of the behaviour and properties of physical systems governed by quantum mechanics. The Centre is particularly strong in fostering collaboration between different research areas, both theoretical and experimental.

The main areas of research in the Centre are:

PhD position: Quantum Foundations / Particle Physics

Siegen, Germany
22 March, 2013

We are looking for a motivated PhD student who is interested to work at the interface between the foundations of quantum mechanics and particle physics. The project aims at the investigation of possible Bell inequality violations in systems of neutral mesons and the modeling of the relevant decay processes with methods from quantum optics.

PhD in: Matter-wave interferometry with Mesoscopic Particles

University of Southampton
31 March, 2013


We are seeking keen experimentalists to work on highly challenging and excitingly novel experiments on mesoscopic quantum physics and to join us - Quantum Nanophysics Group at Southampton - as PhD students.

The VCQ invites applications for the Vienna Quantum Fellowships

Vienna, Austria
28 April, 2013


The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) invites applications for the

Vienna Quantum Fellowships


PhD position in trapped ion quantum technology and nanoscience

University of Sussex, Brighton, UK
30 January, 2013


A three-year PhD position is available in the Ion Quantum Technology Group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Sussex. The position is funded in conjunction with an EPSRC funded £1.4M Leadership fellowship for the development of quantum technology with nanofabricated ion trap chips.

Application deadline: January 30, please apply preferentially by 20 December 2012 (applications after this deadline until January 30 will be consider if position is not filled)

PhD Fellowship - Ultracold Atoms and Quantum Metrology

ICFO - The Institute of Photonic Sciences
20 January, 2013

ICFO – Institute of Photonic Sciences and LENS – European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy, are seeking applicants for a prestigious PhD position funded by the Erasmus Mundus programme.

CryptoWorks21 training program

University of Waterloo, Canada
18 January, 2013

Dear Colleague,

We are launching a supplementary training program for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows working in various aspects of cryptography and quantum computing, and would appreciate your help in identifying strong candidates who may be interested in applying.

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