PhD in: Many-Body Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Low-Control Quantum Information Processing, UCL

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UCL, London, UK
10 April, 2013


University College London London
United Kingdom
51° 30' 40.3704" N, 0° 7' 11.3664" W

I am seeking a keen theorist to work as a PhD student at University College London (UCL) on "Many-Body Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Low-Control Quantum Information Processing". The studentship is funded by through the ERC project PACOMANEDIA (Partially Coherent Nonequilibrium Dynamics for Information Applications) and is for 4 years and should ideally start latest by Oct 2013. The student will be expected to be quite independent and will be co-supervised by a postdoctoral researcher working on the same project.

The part of the project to be investigated by the student will ask a very important question: “Can minimally controlled systems be harnessed for useful quantum information processing tasks?” Motivated by this, as a broad objective, we will envision new implementations of QIP through minimal (simple) controls driving a quantum many-body system to make it accomplish highly coherent nonequilibrium dynamics. We will focus on both on theoretical models of dynamics of various spin networks/systems for quantum computation as well as a variety of physical systems for their possible realisations.

Candidates should have a strong theoretical background, academic record, a demonstrated commitment and motivation to work hard, be at ease to interact with experimentalists and be happy and able to extensive numerical computation if required. A thesis or prior research experience will be highly desirable.

If you are interested please contact me at sougato [dot] bose [at] gmail [dot] com and/or apply online for UCL PhD admissions mentioning interest in the above project.

The PhD is fully funded for 4 years (if starting by Oct 2013) and applicable for any EU citizen, with a generous stipend of £22,900 per year from which the student will be expected to pay his/her fees (the current fees at UCL are £4,200 per annum). Interviews will be from April 10 onwards till a suitable student is hired.

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