Fibre optic multi-photon sources for quantum information

University of Bristol, UK
3 March, 2012

In Bristol we focus on optical realisations of quantum information primitives (CNOT gates, cluster states, quantum relays) using pairs and multipairs of photons generated using fibre optic pair photon sources. These exploit nonlinearities and novel phasematching in micro-structured optical fibres. These sources have demonstrated the highest efficiency for the production and detection of pair photons in well defined spatial modes and temporal modes.

Open position for PhDs and PostDocs at the University of Vienna

University of Vienna
30 September, 2011

PhD-Positions and PostDoc-Positions available for:
Photonic Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation

Open position for an Early Stage Researcher

CEA Saclay
30 September, 2011


Open position for an Early Stage Researcher
CCQED project - Circuit and Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics

PhD project: Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics with spins and superconducting qubits

PhD studentship on nanoscale quantum optics

Eindhoven University of Technology
31 August, 2011

In the framework of a new large research initiative on “Nanoscale Quantum Optics”, the Dutch FOM (Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter) has an open PhD position.

Masters/ MSc course in Quantum Information and Coherence, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow

Glasgow, UK
13 July, 2014

*Masters/ MSc course in Quantum Information and Coherence, Department of
Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow*

This taught MSc course offers a comprehensive overview of the emerging
applications of quantum physics to information processing and quantum
coherent devices. The course syllabus includes important topics such as:

* Quantum Information Science. This teaches how quantum phenomena may be
used to process information in novel ways that outperform existing
information processing technologies.

PhD in theory on "Quantum information and quantum technologies" in Bilbao, Spain

Bilbao, Spain
30 September, 2011

Dear colleagues,

I am glad to announce the opening of a PhD position in theoretical physics in my group at Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain. It is associated to the ITN Marie Curie "Circuit and Cavity QED (CCQED)" European network

The overall subject is in "Quantum technologies for Quantum Information". For details, see the following link at Euraxess website

27 PhD Positions available at the Faculty of Sciences of the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (AUTUMN SESSION)

Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS), Pisa
12 September, 2011

 The Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS) of Pisa is accepting applications for 27 PhD positions in the Faculty of Sciences for the 2011/2012 academic year.

The positions are articulated as follows

Solid state cavity-QED in the strong coupling regime

Walter Schottky Institute (WSI), Technical University of Munich
1 June, 2011

A detailed job description can be downloaded her:

Two open PhD positions in ITN European Project Marie Curie: Circuit and Cavity QED (CCQED) in Bilbao, Spain

Bilbao, Spain
31 May, 2011

Dear friends,

I am glad to announce the opening of two PhD positions in my group

at Univ. del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain. They are associated with the ITN Marie Curie "Circuit and Cavity QED (CCQED)" European network

The overall subject is "Quantum technologies for Quantum Information". For details, see the following links associated to each PhD position

Postdoctoral and PhD positions opening

Technical University Munich
30 June, 2011

There are postdoc and PhD positions available in Mathematical Physics/Quantum Information Theory in the Department of Mathematics at the Technical University in Munich (Germany). Applicants should be

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