Work Package 3

Call for Application to support a Quantum Envoy

2014-01-01 - 2016-01-31

Quantum envoy is any activity connecting interested third-party audiences with the quantum information research community. Typical examples of quantum envoy are public lectures and exhibitions presenting general aspects of QIPC research and goals.

Call for proposals to organize the bi-annual QIPC conference

2013-11-12 - 2014-02-02

In accordance with the EU ICT Programme, QUTE-EUROPE is currently inviting outstanding proposals for the bi-annual QIPC conference to be held in 2015.

QUTE-EUROPE (Quantum Technologies for Europe) is an FP7 Coordination and Support Action project that aims at coordinating or supporting research activities and policies at the European level towards a unified, open, and strong community in QIPC (Quantum Information Processing and Communication) research in Europe.


Oxford, UK

Come along to the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, from 5:30pm on Thursday 6th June for an evening of 3 fascinating talks about quantum mechanics – the strangest theory ever to be correct!

Web domain registered


The project has now its specific domain.

The official web domain for the QUTE-EUROPE project has been registered under

Slide show of ICAP round table

A slide show of the (QUIE2T sponsored) ICAP round table is now available on-line, follow the link below.

Final report on dissemination activities


QUIE2T WP3 has submitted its deliverables D3.4.5 and D3.5.3.

The reports are available for public download at the WP3 deliverables page.

QUIE2T sponsors public talk at 'Quo Vadis, Quantum Hybridium?'


Within its Quantum Envoy program, the CA QUIE2T has sponsored a public talk at the workshop 'Quo Vadis, Quantum Hybridium?'

The talk was delivered by Prof. J. Taylor (UMD/NIST) on the topic: Exploring new frontiers of quantum science with hybrid systems.

QUIE2T sponsors ICAP'12 round table


QUIE2T is the main sponsor of a public round table that features several Nobel prize laureates.

The round table is organized during the ICAP 2012 conference, and is one of the highlights of several special events. This public event is sponsored by the 'Quantum Envoy' program of the Coordination Action QUIE2T.

YouTube TheQubitLab's channel

A dedicated channel on youtube to collect popular video clips on key scientific ideas explored within QIPC. This is sponsored by projects funded by FP6 and FP7 programs of the European Commission.

Visit TheQubitLab.

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